Sunday, January 6, 2013

Project 365 - Week One - 2013

What a week I have had ending one year and beginning another.  Frank left the states on Monday morning headed to Israel so this weeks pictures are from both of us.  He is having a blast....we Skype everyday...of course the 8 hour time difference makes it interesting.  When it is bed time for him I am still in school and when he wakes up it is 10:00 at night here....the day before.  Weird I tell you!  This is week one of Project 365 for 2013. Mamafran, our hostess, would love to have you join in.  It is very simple and if you would like to jump over to her blog and see what everyone else is doing then click here.

Sunday, December 30th
 After church today we left for Birmingham.  Frank has to be at the airport at 5:30 in the morning and we live 2 hours from the airport so we decided to go stay the night at the Clarion which is near the airport.  We went to JoAnne's Fabrics and I loaded up on yarn for my frilly scarves.  We also went to Brookstone and traded in an adaptor thing for Frank to take with him to Israel.  Dinner at Olive Garden and back to the hotel for the night.  Morning will be arriving early. 
Monday, December 31st 31st - New Years Eve
I came home and crashed, made a few scarves with my new yarn, then prepared for our annual New Years Eve soup supper at the church.  I was in bed by 10:30.  Frank was somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean headed for Zurich and then Tel-Aviv.
Tuesday, January 1st, New Years Day
Lunch at 12:00 at the Towler House.  I came home around 3 and made three wreaths.  One for Linda, one for Valerie and the bottom one for Glenda.  I will deliver them one day this week.  I have to look at them for a while and make sure I like them.  Supper at the Houze household.  It was a great day!

Wednesday, January 2nd
Today I went to the VF outlet in Leeds with Marian, then to LaGrange Walmart to get her some thread so I could teach her how to make frilly scarves.  Wayne and Amy called when I got home and invited me to dinner and to meet little Miss Marleigh.  Is she not the cutest thing.  I had already eaten so I watched her while they ate.  Not to hard she just slept.  Marleigh lives in Virginia where her daddy is stationed.  She was born in December.  Frank uploaded a picture of sunrise on the Sea of Gallilee.
Thursday, January 3rd
Had my hair cut today and picked up the materials to make Jo's wreaths for her wedding in February.  I can't wait to make them look like her picture.  I have four to make.  Frank uploaded a few more shots from Israel today of the Jordan River and the judgment seat.
Friday, January 4th
Mickey D's in Israel....only don't expect a cheeseburger there because it is not kosher.
The group crossing the sea of Gallilee.
Saturday, January 5th
Swimming in the Dead Sea.  Frank said the water was so nasty.
Preserved lemons made by my niece Ramona.  I can't wait to make my Morracan chicken and use them.  Time to go finish up my sermon for tomorrow since I am filling in for Frank.  Hope you have a great week.

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