Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project 365 - Week 2

Week two has arrived and our new hostess Fran has done a great job.  I am so glad she was willing to take over.  Want to join in?  It is simple....just post your weeks worth of pictures and then head over to Fran's blog and link up by clicking here.

Sunday, January 6th
Frank is in Israel and won't be home until Wednesday night late.  I have spent a good bit of my time crafting while home alone.  I am planning on completing the cake plates this week.  Today I got all my stuff together and realized I was out of the glue I need.  Looks like a Wal-mart run.

Monday, January 7th

The BCS National Championship game is tonight.  Donna, Don, and Kelly are all Auburn grads.  Can you tell who they are pulling for?  We take football serious here in Alabama.  To quote Jay Leno, "Alabama is number one in football....but number 49 in everything else."  Sad commentary on the state for sure.
Tuesday, January 8th
Crafting some more.  I finished Glenda's wreath.  This green sparkled K is the last piece I have to add.  I hope it looks as good as I am thinking it will.  (I gave it to her on Saturday night and she was thrilled!)
Wednesday, January 9th-Frank Comes Home!!!!!
I picked Frank up at the Birmingham airport at 9ish tonight.  This is my special gift from Israel.  I love Nativity scenes and this handcarved one is from Jerusalem.  It is gorgeous.  It was after 11 when we got home but I had to put it in its place of honor immediately!
Thursday, January 10th
I got this for Christmas and have finally found its home in my house.  I love it!
Friday, January 11th
Last of the Christmas dinners at Amanda's tonight.  The food and fellowship were wonderful.  Our hostess, Amanda prepared an amazing meal and we enjoyed the family time spent together.
Saturday, January 12th
Saturday morning ritual.....breakfast at the Farmhouse with the Kramers.  One of my favorite days of the week.  We then had a birthday party for Braylei in Hackneyville and rushed home to a birthday party for Lyndi in Rock Mills.  Food, fun, friends, and fellowhip filled my day up.  I love my life.  Hope you have a great week and don't forget to keep a camera near by.

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