Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wild Goose Chase


About The Book:  Most of us have no idea where we're going most of the time. Perfect. "Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit-An Geadh-Glas, or `the Wild Goose.' The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it's like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something....Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure." --from the introduction.

About The Author:  Mark Batterson is the lead pastor of Washington, DC's National Community Church, widely recognized as one of America's most innovative churches. NCC meets in movie theaters at metro stops throughout the city, as well as in a church-owned coffee house near Union Station. More than seventy percent of NCC'ers are single twentysomethings who live or work on Capitol Hill. Mark is the author of the best-selling In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and a widely read blogger ( He lives on Capitol Hill with his wife, Lora, and their three children.

My Thoughts On The Book:  If you are looking for a feel good book, this is not it.  This book is a get in your face kind of book that makes you made enough to make some changes.  Batterson definitely challenged me to come out of my cage and chase the Wild Goose.  My favorite part of the whole book was the challenge given at the conclusion of the book:  "Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.  Set God sized goals.  Don't take the easy way out.  Expand  your horizons.  Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.    (My favorite) Take off your sandals.  Blaze new trails.   Don't make a living.  Make a life.  Quit makeing excuses.  Chase the Goose!  Ready or not I come. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Blogging for Books Program. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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