The rules are simple you just have to......
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
OK, are you ready? Please give your best five minutes on:::

I have gone on a scuba dive...once in the Keys near a coral reef. It is gorgeous there. The only problem I had was claustrophia. The mask over my face....even with oxygen flowing was more than I could bear. I love to snorkel. It is diving in a form you just don't go down as deep. I love the concept of diving.....putting your face under the surface of the water and seeing the peacefulness of life there. I have taken a dive off of the Appalachian Mtns. I decided to try my hand at hang gliding. Yes, there is a euphoric feeling of gliding....but for someone like me it is more a non-euphoric feeling of diving off the edge of the world. The fear factor kicked in and I made all kinds of promises to God. When I landed safely on the ground I actually kissed the earth. I promised never to do some that idiotic again and after 12 years I can say that I haven't attempted it again. What was I thinking? The whole concept is...I have a tendency to dive into whatever I do. I do it non-stop....and usually until I burn out. Then I don't even tread water there anymore. I have always been one to take a plunge. So, the word dive.....when I was a child I took swimming lessons at the YWCA in West Palm Beach, Florida. I wanted to grow up and be a lifeguard. The day I was supposed to do my dive training I woke up with a horrendous earache. I did not tell my mom(should have) nor did I tell my swimming instructor (again, should have). I took the low board test with ease. I was a good swimmer and a good diver. When I advanced to the high dive I felt a bit disoriented as I began the bounce for my dive but the dive went off without a hitch.....until I hit the water. I cut through the water just like I was supposed to....and my ear drum burst because of the infection that was there. I became very disoriented under the water and could not find the surface. The instructor had to dive in and help me to the side of the pool. I was mortified. I learned then that sometimes when you dive into something it is not necessarily a good thing. I don't make resolutions at New Years because I usually break them within the first fifteen days. I seek opportunities instead. This year one of the opportunities I am seeking is to dive into the Word of God and spend some time there with him. I want to immerse myself thoroughly. I also want to dive into my church's evangelism program and seek out special ministries for me. I want to dive into travel this year and do a good bit of it. I plan to dive into completing my book. I want to dive into life, breathe deeply and enjoy the view. Care to join me?
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