Thursday, January 31, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Stepping on Gum

So I’m walking along, minding my own business…..and my shoe gets stuck.


Because I’ve walked on someone’s discarded gum.

Can I ask why people continue to spit out their gum on our beloved Earth? (I’m being overdramatic there. I’m not one of those Green people. Not that there is anything wrong with being green, I just like my plastic stuff.)

But really. Why must people spit their gum out at all? There are these things called TRASH CANS and they generally are all over the place. If there isn’t one, well, keep the gum in your mouth until you find one.

I’m sick of walking over gum. I’m sick of seeing those black circles sprinkled all over sidewalks and parking lots. Are we THAT lazy, people? (Don’t answer.)

So the next time you think it’s okay to spit out your gum, think again. And if you see someone doing it, yell at them.

Unless they look dangerous. In which case, discreetly take their photo and mock them online.

(But probably block out their face. Because, hello, dangerous.)

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