Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hodge Podge - Vol 108

If it is Wednesday then it must be Hodge Podge.  Our hostess is Joyce and I would love for you to join in the fun.  It is pretty simple to participate.  All you have to do is go grab the questions from Joyce by clicking here, answer them, and then link your answers up on her blog.  Here are my answers to this weeks questions:

1. What is ONE thing or area in your home or life you hope to report is completely organized when 2013 draws to a close? Do you have a plan to make it happen?  I actually have two.  I plan on completing the organization of the guest bedroom/office and the shed in the back yard.

2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?  I have never had a job where I had to wear a uniform.  The worst uniform I ever wore outside of a job in the Physical Education ones we wore in Junior/High School.  They were attrocious.

3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'?  I came up under a cabinet with an open door and nailed my head.  I saw stars, cut my head, and cried like a baby in the middle of the floor.  I am really glad no one was around to see me.

4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?  I avoid it at all costs....but when I am unable to I try and counter it with positivity.

5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree?  I look like my grandmother.  My children all look like their dad's side of the family.  Although...sometimes Kat resembles me when I was younger.

6. January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?  I doubt it seriously.  I am a shower kind of girl. 

7. Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah), Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnivale (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China). Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?  Venice Carnivale because I love Venice and Sundance Film Festival because I love films.

8.  Monday night was the BCS National Championship game for College Football.  Alabama played Notre Dame and beat them soundly.  Here in the south SEC football is an obsession.  I have seen friendships ended over it.  Do you follow college football?  Are you a fan or fanatic?  Who is your favorite college team?  I personally do not.  I don't like football.  I went to both Auburn and Alabama and have degrees from both. 

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