Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sweet Home Amy Book Review

I got married when I was 19 to my high school sweetheart. This means I did not date a lot of people. Because of this, I always enjoy watching shows or reading books about people who do date.

Enter the book Sweet Home Amy.

It’s by a fellow blogger named Amy who yes, has a blog called Sweet Home Amy.

The book tells the story of how she married young, got divorced, and had to return to the dating scene. I so enjoyed reading her different adventures. One man she calls Mystery Man had me curious. She also dates someone called Doctor and I immediately thought of Patrick Dempsey in Grey’s Anatomy.

The book reminded me of episodes of Sex and the City, one of my favorite shows. If you enjoy reading about dating adventures then you’ll get a kick out of the book.

You can purchase Sweet Home Amy for your Kindle on Amazon here for 2.99 or, if you’d prefer an actual copy, you can pick one up for 8.99 on Lulu here. (Currently you can save 10%!)

Want to find out more about Amy?

Follow her on Twitter and Like her Facebook page.

Happy Reading!

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