Thursday, January 24, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Bashing Lena Dunham

This is Lena Dunham.

She writes/produces/directs/stars in the HBO show Girls.

The picture is of her at the Golden Globes. I thought she looked awesome.

Cue the annoying fashion shows.

They did not.

They critized her dress.

They complained that she should have put on more makeup.

They laughed at how she walked in heels. (I sympathize. I also cannot walk in heels.)

Some made jabs about her weight.

This irked me.

I’m GLAD she’s not like other Hollywood starlets.

I’m GLAD she’s not stick thin.

I’m GLAD she didn’t choose whatever color dress seems to be the style at the time. (I guess red is in? But who gives a crap?)

I hate how Hollywood folks want everyone to be the same. Even Howard Stern poked fun saying something about how he wished she’d keep her clothes on. (In Girls, she’s naked a lot.) (Howard has since apologized.)

I’m proud of Lena for being who she is. I hope she always stays that way. I hope other actors will follow suit. It makes me cringe when I see stick thin actresses now. It’s distracting when I see someone who looks malnourished on the screen (unless they are playing a malnourished person.)

Lena is who I would want to play Jane if my book The Swimmer’s Assistant was ever made into a movie. (I would seriously be over the moon thrilled if that ever happened.)

So come on, Hollywood. Appreciate who Lena is.
(And another actress I admire? Rebel Wilson. She played Fat Amy in Pitch Perfect.)

Here’s to actresses who are not stick thin! May they always have meat on their bones and never turn down bread from the bread basket.

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