Thursday, January 17, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Exploding Toys

It was a toy shark.

Natalie has always loved sharks for some reason. If we go to a store and she sees a toy shark she’s like, “I’d sure love to have that shark!”

Anyway, the toy shark that she had died.


There’s its inards. Only it’s not just in that tiny space. No. It’s all over my house. The stairs. The carpeted floors. The bare floors. The cat box. ???

How did the shark die? Well, Natalie can be rough with her toys. If you squeeze such toys hard enough, they break apart and....tiny, white dots. Everywhere.

So right now I am annoyed with toys that plump up with tiny, white dots because I have a feeling that dots are going to linger even after I’ve vacuumed.

(And after I wrote this, I found a dot in my purse. Ugh!)

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