Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Wish I Could Sing Like On Les Miserables

I got to see Les Miserables on Sunday with my friend Jennifer.

I loved it.

I got to see it in England during my senior class trip on stage. Which was lovely, don’t get me wrong, but I was only 18 and didn’t quite comprehend what all was going on. I loved the soundtrack though and would play it over and over. And I got so excited when Joey from Dawson’s Creek sang On My Own to Dawson in Dawson’s Creek.

Hugh Jackman is fantastic in the movie—is there nothing he can’t do? He’s right up there with Meryl Streep. He can sing. He can dance. He can act. I always marvel at people like that.

Russell Crowe has been getting some negative criticism for his part but I thought he did a wonderful job.

There were times when they’d finish a big musical number and I almost clapped. Then I realized, duh, you’re in a movie theater, not seeing it on stage. I imagine the people around me would have been like, “Uh? You don’t need to clap, numbnuts.”

Some people did clap at the end though.

I highly recommend the movie if you like the musical. Mind you, it’s almost ALL music so if you want a lot of dialogue, I’d pass. Some people were all, “I was tired of all the music..” Um, hello? It’s a MUSICAL. That’s sort of what happens in musicals.
When I got home I asked Tom if he wanted to sing his feelings for me like they did in Les Miserables.

“Not really,” Tom answered.

“A heart full of love!” I sang and Tom flinched. I am seriously tone deaf. Then I started to explain the story to him—because there were a few men in the theater after all—and Tom’s eyes started to glaze over right when I mentioned how Jean went to save Cosette.

“Sasha Baron Cohen was in it. Master of the house…” I started to sing and Tom made a face so I stopped. “You LIKE Sasha Baron Cohen.”

“Yes. But I won’t sit through two hours of singing. I won’t sit through two MINUTES of singing I don’t think,” Tom responded stubbornly.

“You have. You do when they sing on Family Guy,” I reminded him.

“That’s different.”

“On my own..”

“Please stop singing. Here.” Tom handed me a cookie.

I should have been insulted but he’s right. I can’t sing. Even my own children have covered their ears. Natalie even told me kindly, “You are not good,” when I started to sing to her before.

Still. I love the music. Maybe I’ll dig out my soundtrack and put it on iTunes. So if you see a car driving down the street with Empty Chairs, Empty Tables, hi, that’s me.

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