Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Superest of Hodge Podges

It is Wednesday again and time for Hodge Podge.  I so look forward to seeing what Joyce's questions are going to be and then trying to come up with an answer that looks half-way inteligent.  Want to play along?  Then hop over to Joyce's blog, grab the questions, answer them on your blog, and hop back and link up.  It is pretty simple.  Here are the questions and my answers for this week:
1. In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching as the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49's in the Superbowl. What was the last event you attended that could be described as super?  2002 the Alabama State High School Play-offs.  My school walked away with number one in 6-A. 
2. Share something you're a fan of these days?  Crafting!  I am loving my new things....crocheting scarves, making cake plates, and making mesh wreaths.
3. How do you feel about wings? In case anyone is confused, I'm talking the edible appetizer kind. What's your preferred seasoning on a wing-hot, mild, teryiaki, sweet and sour, other? Do you make your own or is there a favorite place you like to go for wings?   I love wings!  My favorite wing place is Wild Wing Cafe...and Colorado Coppers are my favorite flavor.  I like teryiaki, sweet and sour, mild....Italian....not hot!  If you are every in Charleston, Knoxville, or Greenville you must try this place.  It is to die for.
4. As long as we're talking sports today...have you followed the Lance Armstrong story? Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks?  It actually saddens me that it went this far.  He was a hero.....and he knew he was lying.  I hate that athletes do this period.  We place too much power in their hands.  But....they are human....and deserve the same forgiveness and grace as the normal person who never stands in the limelight.
5. What's a question you hate to be asked?   How much do you weigh?

6. The coaches in this Sunday's big game happen to be real life brothers. Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er's and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens. Were you and your sibling(s) competitive? In what way? Are you still? If you're an only child how did you handle competition growing up?   I had a sibling until I was 8 and he was five.  After that time I grew up with a neighborhood full of kids and was (and still am) highly competitive.  I enjoy winning....and hate losing...but I do lose gracefully....except at Monopoly against Frank....(I never win...he always we don't play it anymore).

7. What's your favorite game involving a ball and when did you last play? Softball.  I played it forever on church leagues.  I love the game...and I last played it about 15 years ago after an accident caused me to hang up my gloves and cleats.  

8. Insert your own random thought here. Since we are on sports and ball games I had to ask this.  Did you ever play dodge ball or tether ball as a child?  Did you like it?  Which was your favorite?  I played them both and loved them both.  I have sported many bruises with death balls in dodge ball and was a power hitter in tether ball.   

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