Monday, January 7, 2013

When Tom Goes...There's Chaos


I shut my eyes briefly. And so it begins…

“Yes, Natalie?” I called back. Does she have to be so dramatic? Can’t she calmly walk over and say, “Mother? The following has upset me at the moment…”

She stomped down the stairs to the point where the wall vibrated. Her lips were pointed downward and she shrieked, “Tommy is not being nice! Daddy told him to BE NICE AND HE’S NOT BEING NICE!”

Why can’t she go, “Mother? My brother is not using his kind words today and this has angered me greatly?”

Oh, right. Because we don’t live at Downton Abbey.

“Tommy wants privacy. He’s 10. You’re 5,” I reminded her.

“He should LOVE me!” Natalie said, tears appearing in her eyes.

“He does,” I promised, and at that moment I spotted Tommy standing in the middle of the stairway shaking his head dramatically. “He DOES,” I repeated firmly.

“Tell Daddy he’s not being nice.” She brought my iPhone over and pressed it in my hands. “Tell him now.”

“Daddy is busy training,” I said.

It’s true. Tom is gone training for his upcoming deployment. He’ll return, thank goodness, but not for long. Then he’ll be off for awhile.

The sad thing is, he just left on Saturday morning and by Saturday afternoon Natalie was already hysterical.

This is going to be a super January.

(More happened on that Saturday too. I’ll report exactly what on Wednesday. 2013 is starting off super.)

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