Sunday, November 25, 2012

Project 365 - Week 47

Well after a wild week of over-indulgences, Hallmark Christmas movies, travel, and good times I am settling down to put my Project 365 up.  Sara is our host and I know she would love to have you join us.  So, here is my week in photos:
Sunday, November 18th
Still working on Sherry's wreath.  She decorates on the I want to have it to her in plenty of time.  Today is the only day I will have time to work on it.  Perfect day...crafting and Hallmark movies.  I love my life.
Monday, November 19th

A Pinterest project in action.  I have modge podged 18 clothespins with Christmas scrapbook paper and they will be put together with some burlap ribbon and a bow to hold my Christmas cards.  I could not finish the project on Monday because I did not have an exacto knife to trim the edges.  Hopefully I will have a finished picture by next week.  I love Christmas crafting.
Tuesday, November 20th
We left as soon as I got home from work and drove to Frank's sister, Ann's house.  She has a weeping willow in her yard and the lights gave it such an eerie look that I had to grab this shot.  We will be in Greenville until Friday morning.
Wednesday, November 21st
Today was Ann's day for Chemo and we took her to the hospital.  When we dropped her off we ran to Masts General Store and grabbed some breakfast at the Chocolate Mouse coffee shop across the street while we waited for it to open.  These trees were at the hospital.  When we got back we were allowed to go and sit with Ann while she finished treatment.  It was a very interesting process.  After the treatment we went to Papa's and Beer for lunch.  It is a local Mexican restaurant and they make your guacamole at the was delish.  For supper we went to Miyobi's Japanese Steak House. 
Thursday, November 22nd

Thursday, Turkey Day started with the traditional Macy's Day Parade.  Richard, Frank and I went to gas up the cars and get Ann some cough syrup.  At 11 we went to Golden Corral or lunch.  It was different eating Thanksgiving's feast in a restaurant and not in someone's home.  We went to Big Lots and hit a few early bird specials, went back to the house and took a little nap to get ready for the auction at 4.  Richard and Frank were cutting up on the back row.  I had to grab the two of them acting goofy.
Friday, November 23rd

We left Greenville about 5 heading for Chuck and Susan's til Saturday.  The sun did not come up for about 2 hours.  We grabbed breakfast in Sevierville and then did a quick pick up in Gatlinburg.  We got to Chuck and Sue's about 10:30.  The guys went shooting out at Tony's and Sue and I watched Hallmark Christmas movies.  When the guys got home we went up to Jan and Keith's for dinner and then onto our grand adventure for this year.  We saw one of the most amazing light shows at the ball field.  Next year I want to make sure Frank gets to see the Bristol speedway.

Saturday, November 24th

I was delighted when I got home and found all my Pinterest project materials that had arrived from Trendy Tree.  I am going to hole up in my house on Sunday and craft my heart out.....oh and watch Hallmark Christmas movies.  See you next week! 

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