Thursday, November 1, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: No Candy

Okay, I’ll admit it.

I get annoyed when people take their kids out trick or treating and don’t bother to give candy out.

Now, wait, before you get defensive, I know there are some reasons as to why people don’t give candy. Some people leave way out in the country and drive their kids to neighborhoods so they can get candy. I get why they don’t pass any out. Some people are struggling with money and such—times are tough.

But some people just aren’t being fair.

I live on base. This means that a lot of the time, the person in the military is deployed or has to work. (My husband has to work security on Halloween a lot.) This means that the remaining parent has to take the kids out so they might not be there to pass out candy.

This is what I do: I leave a bowl of candy out with a sign that says PLEASE TAKE ONE. So far, I haven’t had a punk kid take it all. I know this can happen. But even if it does happen, I feel like I’m still offering something to the neighborhood.

The amount of houses that weren’t passing out candy was astounding. Yes, some people might not celebrate Halloween. Some people might take their kids to the mall, zoo, etc..I get that too. But really, if you take your kids out to the neighborhood, you should offer up SOMETHING.

This is what we did on Halloween: my husband actually didn’t have to work so he passed out candy while I took the kids around.

Last year he did have to work so I left a bowl out for the first hour. Then when we came back I started passing out candy.

This base has a crazy amount of kids. Last year we ran out so I made sure to get like 10 bags of candy. Why? Because I feel if I can take my kids around to various houses, that I should have plenty to offer others.

Again. There are reasons why some people don’t. I get that.

But for the people who are quite capable of setting out some candy for the neighborhood since they are taking their kids around to get candy—should. (And no, I’m not saying get 10 bags like I did. But at least 3 or so. I feel like one reason why we get so many kids is because so many houses don’t offer any. So kids are searching around, hoping to find houses that actually HAVE something..)

Now, if you’ll excuse me…I’m off to snack on some Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

Oh and PS. Someone put this sign on their door. It's blurry, sorry. I quickly took it lest the cranky inhabitants inside came out yelling. They seemed cranky. I mean, they could have just wrote NO CANDY and people would have understood. But they took it further. DO NOT RING DOORBELL. I believe the next line was "No one will come." Followed again by NO CANDY. Sheesh. Okay. Got it.

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