Saturday, November 24, 2012

Another Tennessee Adventure

My oldest and dearest friend, Susan and her husband Chuck (Chuckles) live in Knoxville, Tennessee.  My earliest memories of time spent with them in K-town always involves some sort of adventure.  We have run the roads of the Smokey Mountains, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and I have seen parts of Eastern Tennessee that only a native knows.  I have slid down mountain roads in the snow in an old VW with my heart in my throat...loving every minute of it.  We have target shot (yesterday Chuck and Frank went to Tony's to shoot - Susan and I stayed in and gorged out on Hallmark Christmas movies), I have done the Dragon's Tail in an HHR and had as much fun as if we were on a motorcycle, we have raised children together, we have had so many wonderful adventures....and last night was one of those great life adventures. 

We ate dinner with Jan and Keith....Chuck cooked an herbed pork roast and gravy....and Keith made the most amazing whipped potatoes.  The company was wonderful.....Jan, Keith, Michael, and little Aaron are a lovely Christian family.  Keith is the Youth Minister at City View Baptist.  He is an amazing guy, they are both teachers, and the cutest couple. After supper we went to the Sevierville exit off of I-40 to the Smokey's Ballpark to one of the most awsomest Christmas light shows I have been to in.....hum....I don't know that I have ever been to one this fabulous.  Ok...Calloway is number one.....and the professor in Auburn....would be number three.  Anyways, you tuned your radio to 97.5 and drove through the lighted trail 12 Days of Christmas fantasy in lights.  They did the Christmas tree lights to the Hallelujah Chorus....let me tell you....our little car was vibrating, camera's were clicking, we were was a heavenly high! 

We came home and I just mellowed in the afterglow with a piece of pumpkin pie and some ice cream from Village Bakery.  What a wonderful day....pumpkin pie, adventure, and friends.  Life does not get much better than this!

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