Thursday, November 8, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Cell Phones During Movies

The glow of the screen was distracting. Did the woman not hear the part when the booming voice said to turn off cell phones? I mean, maybe she couldn’t read? If so, that wasn’t an excuse. There was even a PHOTO of a cell phone with a line crossed through it which means TURN IT OFF. Or turn it on vibrate. Basically, put it away until the movie was over.


We were seeing Wreck-It Ralph and some lady across the way kept fiddling on Facebook. And oh…there was a guy a few seats over messing with his phone.


This is so incredibly rude. When the lights go down, it’s time for the cell phone to go away. It might be previews, but some people LIKE the previews. I like the previews and I get distracted when I see the glare of a screen. Maybe I have ADD.

It irritates me even more when people still have their phones out when the actual movie has started. I don’t CARE if you’re in the middle of an important text. Get up and go to the hall. If you’re waiting for an important text, seeing a movie is probably not what you should be doing. If you’re about to get three stars on Angry Birds, sorry, when the movie begins, it’s over.

You have no idea how hard it is not to toss popcorn at the back of phone users heads. But then I’d be creating a movie theater faux paux. Still. They would have started it.

I also hate when halfway through a movie people decide to check their phones. If you can’t go an hour without using it, don’t see a movie. If your phone vibrates and you think it might be someone important, take it to the hall. Okay?

So please. When you see a movie, put your phone away when the lights go down. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if you feel popcorn being tossed at you.

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