Thursday, November 22, 2012

Enjoy The Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. And for those who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving today, I hope you have a wonderful day.

I decided to make a list of things that I am thankful for.

--Chocolate. It has helped me through a lot of hard times. I don’t drink wine so this is my go to treat when no one is listening to me or when my DVR breaks and doesn’t record the latest Grey’s Anatomy even though I TOLD IT TO. Stupid electronics.

--My husband. He’s had to work many a holiday and I’m glad he gets today off. I’m also grateful that he’s around to cut the turkey. I don’t know how to cut turkeys properly. I usually butcher it to the point where my husband asks if a bear broke into our home and mauled the turkey.

--My kids. They are loud but they are pretty fantastic.

--Deoderant. Without it, we would all stink. My son, especially. He’s only 10 but he NEEDS deoderant. Otherwise he can clear out a room.

--Good TV shows. I love when I find a show that keeps me excited. Or guessing.

--Electricity. When I watch shows like The Tudors I’m extra grateful for it. Having to handwash clothes would make me terribly cranky.

If you plan on shopping tonight, stay safe! And tell me what you got!

I won't have a new post up Friday because I'll be busy getting all our Christmas decorations out from the garage.

Send good thoughts that I'm not crushed by all the boxes we have out there.

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