Thursday, November 29, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Noisy Kids At Movies

I know I hit on this when I wrote how I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2.

It bugged me so much so I decided to mention it again on Things That Annoy Me Thursday.

Kids. Babies. In movie theaters. When it is not a children’s movie.

I don’t get it.

I remember when I went to see a SCARY movie (Paranormal Activity) and I was shocked when a family walked in. The kids didn’t look older than 5.

I suppose it’s not so bad if the kids are quiet throughout the movie. You want to give your kid nightmares, great. That’s on you. But if the kid starts running around and being noisy—you have to remove him or her. Sorry. A lot of parents don’t seem to comprehend this. They’ll either A) ignore the kid or B) just go “shhhh” and try to bribe Junior with some Milk Duds.

When I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2, a kid started wailing and the parents did nothing! The proper thing to do is to remove the kid. But no, they just let the kid whine and cry.

Seriously, if your kid isn’t going to be quiet, wait until the movie comes out on DVD.

Don’t annoy everyone around you.

And it is not cute if your kid goes dancing down the aisles over and over again. Make your child stay SEATED.

Signed, everyone at the movie theater.

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