Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hickory Farms Cheeseball

“It’s here!” I shrieked and almost started rushing over. Then I remembered, oh, I had my family with me and that would be rude to just leave them standing there.

“What’s here?” Tom asked, annoyed. He was already in a Mood because there were so many people at the mall. He’s not one for crowds. He hates going to stores around the holidays.

“Hickory Farms. Cheeseball!” I started fast-walking towards the set up. A worker was standing there in a Hickory Farms apron.

“Care for a sample?” he asked, holding out a tray of sausage bits. (Which are also SO good.) “Mint?” he continued, pulling out a container of those melt away mints. (Also delicious.)

“No. I just need a cheeseball,” I said and walked over to the cooler. I plucked one out.

“You know, if you buy two, you can save,” the worker said.

“Nah. One is fine. But thanks,” I answered.

“You sure you don’t want a sausage?”

“That’s what he said!” I joked. No, not really. I just thought it.

“Can I offer you a sample of fudge?”


How many samples did this man have?

And what did he mean FUDGE? I didn’t recall Hickory Farms having fudge. They had FUDGE?

I love fudge.


“No, thanks,” I said. If I tried a piece, I’d have to buy a box. And the box was…oh, 19.99. Yikes.

“You sure?” He could sense my weakness and opened his sample box. There were perfect bite sized cubes of fudge.

“NO!” I yelped, louder than I intended. But I think it worked because the worker jumped and quickly put the sample box away. I’m sure he was thinking, “Okay. Crazy customer. Got it.”

Mmm, cheeseball.

“Aren’t you excited?” I asked Tom.

“It’s a ball of cheese,” he answered. Tom doesn’t get excited easily.

“A ball of DELICIOUS cheese,” I said.

Seriously though, if you’ve never tried one…you should!

Makes for a fantastic snack. I usually get Ritz crackers to go with it but any will do.

(And if you get the fudge, let me know how it was..)

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