Thursday, November 29, 2012

More Than A Bucket List

About The Book:  Most of us agree that the older we get, the faster time seems to speed by.  As our time on earth gets shorter, the list of promises we make to ourselves grows longer.  Fun ideas of things to do, places to see, and ways to make a difference!  Everyone dreams about places to see, people to meet, and things to do in their lifetime. But too often we lose sight of those dreams and get buried in everyday busyness and demands. More Than a Bucket List will inspire you to seize and act on a range of dreams—anything from visiting the Holy Land, donating your time at a soup kitchen, learning to climb a tree, or helping a child learn to read. The book also includes ideas to make lasting memories as you marvel at a new sight, laugh like crazy with an old friend, or change a life.

About The Author:  Toni Birdsong , co-author of @stickyJesus: how to live out your faith online, is a partner in Birdsong Creative, a visual communications, marketing, and Web firm in Franklin, Tennessee. She’s served as a reporter and editor for several Los Angeles- based newspapers in and as a communications specialist for the Walt Disney Company. She has authored more than 2,000 articles and currently provides marketing content and social media strategy for businesses and ministries. She lives outside of Franklin with her husband, Troy, and their creative kids Zane and Olivia. They are members of Grace Chapel in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee where Toni serves in the women’s and youth ministries.
My Thoughts On The Book:  I love laughter.  Laughter reminds me that life is a joy.  Proverbs 17:22 tells us “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”  Twenty years ago I began my own Bucket List filled with things I wanted to accomplish in my life.  As I completed one I added another.  I am just like man others who walk this earth.  I dream about places I want to see, peopleI am dying to meet, and things I want  to do before I meet my maker.  Along the way I have lost track of some dreams and buried some others because life got in my way. and demands. This wonderful  gift book,  More Than a Bucket List lit the fire in me to began seeking my dreams and adding a greater perspective to my life….God’s!  I love the way that Birdsong divides her book thematically and fills each chapter with God’s word and wonderful personal narratives  I really loved the pages in the back that were set aside for the reader to write their very own bucket list  I cannot wait to take wing once more and soar!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing Booksneeze Program for bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


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