Sunday, November 18, 2012

Project 365 - Week 46

Welcome to Project 365 - Week 46.  It has been an interesting week full of busyness (and yes I spelled it like I meant to.)  I have been busy....but what is new with that.  I am always busy.  This has been a fun meme and I am so thankful that Sara hosts it each week.  Want to see everyone else's shots then hop over to Sara's blog and check them out.  You won't regret it.

Sunday, November 11th - Veteran's Day (the real one)
Today I took pictures of the Towler family. They had not had pictures made together for a long time.  I set up a mock setting in my back yard for a contrast and had a blast.  200+ pictures later the sun was setting and I realized I was losing my natural light.  I hope they like them.  I will be giving them their disk next Sunday.  I know I am not a professional.  I am just an avid lover of shooting pictures.

The wind was obnoxious....but I had fun and I hope they did. 
Monday, November 12th-Veteran's Day Holiday
No school today so we went with Wayne and Amy up to my mom's house to begin the process of the estate sale.  I am thinking....the first weekend in February.  It will take that long to get everything in order. We brought some stuff back to the Red Barn Auction in Standing Rock and I got some stuff together for D. 
I never knew my little HHR was really a truck in disguise.  She was loaded to the hilt with boxes and furniture when we returned home to Rock Mills.  We unloaded and later in the afternoon rode over to Newnan to have a Veteran's salute dinner at Golden Corral.  It was a lovely day.  Thanks Golden Corral for the nice thing you did.  Frank really enjoyed it....and I cried through the song salute....but what is new about that?
Tuesday, November 13th
I teach Spanish and Monday night when Frank and I were in Newnan we stopped in at Office Max and I found this cute little Speedy Gonzales flash drive.  Of course I had to have it.  I did not open him until I got to school this morning.  I actually forgot I had put him in my purse.  I sat him on my printer and smiled every time I sat down at my desk.  Thanks Speedy!
Wednesday, November 14th
Last Friday night I was supposed to go to a Pinterest party in Prattville at one of Kat's friends house.  I was unable to make it but Kat got my supplies and on Saturday showed me what to do.  Here is my modge podged JOY letters.  I am loving this.  Kat and Brian and Frank and I are doing a Pinterest Christmas.  We have to have three gifts for each other.  This, of course, will NOT be one of them.  I am loving the crafting concept.  I also have the stuff to make some mesh ribbon wreaths.  I have made the red one already...can't decide which ribbon to use in it.  I am making it for one of our church members who loves them and everytime we go to Santuck gazes longingly at them.  I hope she likes my attempt at making one.  I am planning to make a few for Christmas gifts...and maybe one for me.
Thursday, November 15th  
Thursday is bowling night.  Our opponents tonight are the Jones family.  They own the bowling alley where we bowl and are an amazing team.  So tonight we just hope we can keep up with the Joneses.  Our partners, Jerry and Mae Lynn will not be here tonight so it will just be Frank and I getting our backsides whooped.  Sigh!  We did give them a run for their money and may have even won one of the three games.  Keeping my fingers crossed.
Friday, November 16th
Second round of the play-offs is tonight and we are hosting.  Mr. Reyes decided we needed to have a cat walk for the boys.  All the students lined the halls and it was exciting to see them walk through.  I have to work the game so Frank and I grabbed some dinner at Jim Bob's before getting to the field at 4:45.  We are playing Chilton County so the crowd will be larger than normal.  I am working at the Visitor's Gate.

Saturday, November 17th
I am part of a blogger review program and on Friday I got a book to review called, A Christmas Home, by Greg Kincaid.  If you are a Hallmark Christmas movie watcher (as I am) then you might remember A Dog Named Christmas from a year or so ago.  Mr. Kincaid was the author of that book too.  The book was so good and I just could not put it down.  So while I cooked for a Thanksgiving gathering this evening and went and had a mani/pedi I read the book.  I could not put it down.  If you loved the movie about Christmas you will definitely love this book.  It is a true Christmas feel good story.
Have a wonderful week.  If I don't see you again before next weekend then have a Blessed Thanksgiving.  Enjoy your family, friends, and each other!  I know I am going to....let the feasting begin!

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