Thursday, November 8, 2012

Angel Flight and The Wall

Veterans Day is coming up and it is a time that seems to give me a catch in the throat.  It officially is on Sunday, November 11th, but will actually be observed on Monday, November 12th.  Today our JROTC students went to two of the elementary schools in our system for their Veteran's Day program.  While I was reading an email from our JROTC instructor I got a notice that I had mail.  I love that sound.....this one was from Frank and it was a very special one by Radney Foster about the Angel Flight.  This song is written about the C-130 that is used to bring the fallen home.  It is such a perfect tribute for Veteran's Day that I had to share it with you today.  One of my other Veteran tributories is The Wall.  I wear a bracelet for a Veteran who was MIA in Vietnam.  I can remember the first time I saw The Wall in Washington, D.C.  It was haunting, ghost like, and silent.  It was almost like being in church.  I remember taking out a piece of paper and pencil and tracing LtCd William Arnold's name onto it.  It was the eeriest feeling....electrifying.  I remember tears running down my face and not even realizing they were.  One year later I went to the Korean War Memorial with my friend, Marian.  Her dad was killed there and when you stand facing the wall there is a hologram of a soldier standing beside you.  I have to took my breath away....and again I felt a reverence.  From there we went to the WWII Memorial and my heart broke.  It was a beautiful place.....the problem was....the people.  People were playing in the pool, people were eating and leaving trash, people were talking loud.  This was my father's war....and I wanted the same respect and reverence I had experienced at the other places....but alas it was not to happen.  I am glad my trek did not end last stop was Arlington.....and there is nothing like this place.  From the moment I got off the bus I felt my chest constrict and my breathing become labored.  By the time we got to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier I was an emotional wreck.  I know I used the term, "I remember" a lot....I can't think of another phrase that says it like I want has been over 20 years.....and I can see it like it was yesterday. The Wall, The Korean Memorial, the WWII Memorial, Arlington....and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier....are branded into my brain.  You see, I take the sacrifices the Veterans have made very seriously.  I have many freedoms because of them.  I owe them a huge debt of gratitude and believe me I am going to honor them on their special day....and any other day I can.  Thank you all for what you have done in the past .....and continue to do.  Thank you for leaving all that you love to keep me safe at night.  God Bless You Everyone!

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