Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unexpected Christmas Hero

About The Book: This is an inspiring and compelling story of friendship and survival.  Josie Meyers and her 2 young children think they are living the American dream until their dream turns to a nightmare.  The little family finds themselves homeless and Josie is forced to deal with the fallout of her husband's decisions.   Josie spends every moment worrying about where they will eat, where they will sleep, what if one of them becomes ill, whom can she trust, how will the children be able to attend school, will the weather turn cold or rainy or snow. While the scenes surrounding Josie are dominated by Christmas decorations and carols unfold, Josie finds herself being forced to lean on the kindness and generosity of others.  What she does not know is that the influence of one homeless man in particular is about to change the course of her life and lead her home to the One who waits for her.  He becomes her unexpected Christmas hero.
About The Author: 

Twitter: @alandkathi

 Website: kathimacias.com
 Though I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, and yes, great grandmother, I also ride on the back of my hubby's Harley and am known as "Easy Writer." (Update: Hubby sold Harley and bought a 2005 sunburst orange Corvette, so I'm still "Easy Writer" but in comfort now!)
My Thoughts On The Book:  I have to say that I was deeply affected by  Kathi Macias' novel. I’ve never experienced homelessness personally but have contributed time and gifts to "Bridge Ministry" (homeless people who live under the interstate are given warm soup, blankets, and coats), I have served meals at a mission, church, my school.  There is something very rewarding in giving of yourself to someone in need.  I loved the characters of the book, with Josie being one of my favorites.  She is busy living the good life when out of the blue her world shifts off its axis. First she loses her mother, then her husband becomes ill and she loses him as well. The breaking point comes when her home is foreclosed upon. She and her two young children are forced to learn to navigate the welfare system in order to survive. With very limited funds there are times when she and her children are forced to sleep in an alley behind a dry cleaner’s shop. I had to ask myself as a mother, how would I ever sleep?  Having done some work in a homeless shelter I am not sure it is much better....it is just inside, but desperation leads people to do many things they would not normally do.  It broke my heart as this young mother tried her best to feed and provide lodging for her little ones.  Just when I felt my heart was broken for this little family, a ray of sunshine peaked through and God began to weave people into their lives that would change them and ultimately draw them closer to Him. The most profound pairing was that of Rick and this family. Rick,  a homeless Vietnam veteran suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Rick chooses the streets over a veteran’s home where he would most likely spend his days heavily medicated.  Rick embodied the Christ-like character of laying down his life so that others may obtain life.  The story made me view the homeless and their situation differently. I think everyone should read this story and let it speak to you.  It has a very powerful story to tell!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Net Galley Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


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