Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Christmas Home

About The Book:  Todd McCray, hero of A Dog Named Christmas, is now twenty-four years old and working at a local animal shelter, where he meets and quickly becomes best friends with Laura, a young volunteer.  Laura, like Todd, has disabilities, but her struggles are more physical than developmental.  Their friendship is sealed when Todd-with the help of his trusted companion, the tenacious Labrador retriever named Christmas-trains a beautiful dog named Gracie to help Laura with the day-to-day life tasks that are difficult for her.  Life seems good for Todd, but all is not well in his hometown.  Struggling families unable to make ends meet are abandoning more and more dogs, and the shelter is swelling to capacity.  The local government is struggling to meet its obligations too, and in early December, on the cusp of another holiday season, Todd’s box delivers the bad news.   Due to funding problems, the shelter will close its doors before the end of the year.  But what will happen to all the animals?  What will happen to Todd?  Will he find a new job.  Will his friendship with Laura turn into something more.  I encourage you to pick up this book and find out the rest of the story.

About The Author:  Greg Kincaid, author of A Dog Named Christmas and Christmas With Tucker, is a practicing lawyer who specializes in family law mediation.  He is also an active advocate for literacy and for the humane treatment of animals.  He helped start the Foster a Lonely Pet for the Holidays program, which has found homes for tens of thousands of shelter dogs.  The father of five children, he lives on a farm in western Johnson County, Kansas, with his wife, two cats, and two dogs.  Visit his website at and check out his other offerings.  I can't wait to read more by this author.  To find adoptable pets near you, visit or visit your local shelter.
My Thoughts On The Book:    I am a sap for Hallmark Christmas movies and live in anticipation for the day they begin.  I then go into Christmas movie overload.  I loved the Hallmark movie, A Dog Named Christmas and read the book after seeing the movie.  When I found A Christmas Home and realized it was by Greg Kincaid I knew I had to read it.  I found myself drawn into the story from the very beginning of the book.  Rescued animals are near and dear to my heart, owning a rescue doxie and coming from a family who does foster sheltering for animals.  This was my kind of book.    If you are interested in giving an animal a home visit your local shelter.  You won’t regret it I promise.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbook Multnomah Publishing Group's Blogging For Books Program. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.



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