Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hodge Podge Week 52

Here are the questions and my answers for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge....everyone is welcome to join the fun. If you want to participate then be sure you head over to Joyce’s page to link answers with the rest of the internet players.
1. Of all the tools and gadgets you own which do you most enjoy using?  My  new Cricut.  I just got it and am learning so much and enjoying it tremendously.  I love trying new things with it.
2. When (if ever) is impatience a virtue?  For me….it is never a virtue.  It is always a hindrance and fault.  I used to pray fervently for patience and then I realized God was testing me more and more the more I prayed for patience…so I quit.
3. What temperature do you keep your thermostat set to in winter? Do you have another way to heat your house besides a furnace of some type?   We have a radiant heat wall heater in the den and on three it keeps the front half of the house warm.  We keep the thermostat set between 65-68.  Frank is very hot natured and I can add more layers.  Natural gas is expensive so we try and cut back anywhere we can.
4. Do/did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents?  I had a close relationship with my mom’s parents.  I adored them and they adored me.  My grandfather taught me to play the guitar.  Not so much with my dad’s mom….she was a straight razor toting woman and I was terrified of her. 
5. When did you last have a family portrait taken?  
We had a formal picture made two years ago for a church directory and then Ramona took our picture a year ago in Amanda’s yard.  It was not a formal portrait…it was a natural one and I used it on our Christmas cards.

6. What does the word patriotism mean to you?  Hand over the heart, cry when the National Anthem is being played or sung, proud of our military.  Patriotism is attending veteran parades, standing up for your country.
7. Do you like to play cards and if so, what's your favorite card game?   Phase 10 or Shanghai would be my favorite card games.  I love card games.  My family always played cards when I was younger….I learned to play Canasta, Rook, Bridge, Gin….I loved it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.  The hardest thing in life to know is which bridge to cross and which one to burn.  I just finished reading Nicholas Sparks newest book, The Best of Me if you get a chance and you like Nicholas Sparks this is a must read.  I am currently out of reading material….so what is the best book you have read lately?

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