Monday, November 21, 2011

Not A Twilight Mom

Several people posted this photo on my Facebook page and said they thought of me when I saw it.

Not because I’m a Twilight Mom. I mean, yikes. But because I’m pretty vocal about how frightened I am when grown adults go nuts over vampires and werewolves.

I did not see Breaking Dawn. I have seen the other movies and they weren’t the worst things I’ve ever seen…but definitely nothing I’d gush over. It’s hard for me to take Rob Pattinson seriously because when he’s trying to be romantic because he gets this tight look over his face that makes me believe he really needs to have a long poo.

So…did you see Breaking Dawn? Were there scary fans?

Were YOU one of the scary fans?

Be honest.

I won’t judge.

(Well, maybe a little if you’re over 30…)

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