Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!


To have always thought Melissa McCarthy was awesome even before she made it big in Bridesmaids and Mike and Molly. She had been cracking me up for years as Sookie in Gilmore Girls.

To hope I don’t burn anything on Thanksgiving.

To wonder why people don’t use coupons when ordering pizza. I was talking to a lady who said she was surprised that two large pizzas were over 30 bucks. I was like, “I use a coupon when I order and get two large two topping pizzas plus an order of Cinnastyx for 18.99.” She was impressed. And will probably use coupons from now on.

To usually stick to Target and Kohls on Black Friday. Sometimes I get brave and do Wal-Mart but I might just shop online this year. I go back and forth on what I should do.

To have not watched the AMAs. Truth be told, I rarely listen to any of the ‘popular’ music.

To be a cat person but become freaked out by Persian and Sphinx cats. Persians, because it looks like their face has been kicked in and Sphinx cats because…well, I really don’t need an explanation, do I? (Scary gremlin!)

To wonder why everything must break around the holidays. Tom has to replace his truck battery and I’m hoping that’s it.

To actually like the 10 PM openings for stores on Thanksgiving for the start of Black Friday. I know there is drama surrounding the fact that now workers have to give up family time to work…but that’s how it goes in the military. My own husband works on Thanksgiving and doesn’t get home until 1030 at night.

To pig out on Thanksgiving. I find it amusing when these programs show lower calorie recipes or tell you to "just take a sliver of pie." No. I won't just take a sliver of pie on a holiday, thank you.

To be hosting two giveaways at the moment: one for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 DVD (ends tomorrow!) and one for a Chick-fil-a calendar with valuable coupons.


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