Friday, November 18, 2011

Return of the Book Buddy

I saw her holding something as she approached.

Then I realized what it was.

The Book Buddy.

The Book Buddy was back.

Remember how I blogged about it before here?


Well, as a quick recap, this was the Book Buddy:

Looks diseased, right?

So you can imagine why I was hesitant on having it back in my home.

“I got the Book Buddy!” Natalie said, holding up the cage.

“Let’s get some Lysol,” I answered.

No, I’m kidding. I wanted to say that but I didn’t. Instead I peeked in the cage. Book Buddy looked…different. He wasn’t so…hairy.

Then I realized it was a new Book Buddy.

A tiger.

“Isn’t he cute? I love him,” Natalie said.

Book Buddy still had the Smell Of 1000 Dirty Hands but at least he wasn’t quite so....Gary Busey-ish looking.

Naturally Natalie did not want to let Book Buddy go the next day.

“I love him so much!” she cried.

Never mind that she has a room FULL OF TOYS.

I managed to pry Book Buddy away from her. I’m sure we’ll get a new one to take home soon.

I wonder what the next one will be?

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