Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving TODAY

We’re having Thanksgiving a day early since Tom has to work on the actual holiday.

I’m cooking everything.

Have I mentioned I tend to panic when I have to prepare multiple items?

Some people do that easily.

I do not.

I hate to cook, so add a bunch of steps and I begin to get flustered. And, if it gets really bad, I start to cry which in turn panics Tom because he’s not a fan of a crying woman. His first instinct, as I’ve mentioned before, is to throw a box of tissues at our head and run screaming for the hills.

It doesn’t help that I think our oven is dying. I made chicken the other day and put it in for the proper amount of time and it was still pink in the middle.

What if the turkey doesn’t cook all the way and we have a Full House Thanksgiving? You know, in the first season where they try to do everything like the dead Mom did and the turkey is still frozen and Stephanie drops the pie and runs off and everyone goes to find her so they can cheer her up? In my case, if the turkey is frozen and I run off, NO ONE WILL COME FIND ME!


Wish me luck that everything comes out edible.

And, you know, COOKED.

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