Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grammar Girl Presents: The Ultimate Writing Guide for Students by Mignon Fogarty –ESSENTIAL

Fogarty, Mignon Grammar Girl Presents: The Ultimate Writing Guide for Students, 304 pgs. St. Martin's Griffin, 2011. $8.08. Non-Fiction.
This was the book I needed in junior grade English!! If we had worked our way through this book, I would have learned more, and maybe even enjoyed myself.
Includes all the technical stuff, but makes learning about it interesting, fun, and quirky. It includes illustrations, tips, explanations, and hints.
If you can talk your English teachers into using this as a textbook, you have just won some points with all the students. Older students might even pick this up and learn a lot, I know I did!
MS, HS – ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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