Monday, November 21, 2011

Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend by Melanie Watts- ESSENTIAL

Watt, Melanie. Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, 32 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2011.  $7.95.  Back cover: “Everyone is nuts about Scaredy Squirrel!  Scaredy Squirrel doesn’t have a friend.  It’s way too dangerous.  He could bet BITTEN.  But when he spots a perfectly safe candidate for a friend, he’s prepared with a name tag, mittens, a mirror and a lemon to make the PERFECT FIRST IMPRESSION. All goes well until his PLAN takes a surprising turn, and suddenly he’s pursued tooth and tail by a four-legged individual!” We loved this book and read it again and again!  The illustrations are equally as incredible as the text.  We would choose to read a Scaredy Squirrel book over any other picture book!  Pre-K.  EL (K-3)  ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: SL

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