Monday, November 28, 2011

No More Hitting for Little Hamster! by Bernette Ford - OPTIONAL

Ford, Bernette No More Hitting for Little Hamster!  Illustrated by Sam Williams.  Boxer Books (Sterling), 2011.  $14.95  PICTURE BOOK Content-G.  Little Hamster has a short temper and whenever he wants something while playing with his friends he takes it, or he hits the friend that won’t give it to him.  Because he has a bad reputation, nobody wants to play with him, until Bunny comes along and tells Hamster that he will play with him if he will not hit.  Hamster learns that playing nice makes it so others will play with you.  Good lesson for kids, but the pictures are not very engaging. PRE-K-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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