Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tunnel Vision by Susan Shaw- ADVISABLE

Shaw, Susan. Tunnel Vision, 255 pgs. McElderry Books, 2011. $16.99. Language-G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’) Sexual Content-G, Violence PG 13. While Liza is walking home from school, she passes under a crowded underpass filled with people. She doesn’t think anything of it until moments later her mother is shot and killed by someone in the overpass. After a police investigation, information comes out that the killer wasn’t aiming for her mother, she was aiming for Liza. A mysterious group called the Core is now after her. Liza and her father go into witness protection to keep the Core out of their life. I liked this book a lot. It was interesting to see what someone put into the witness protection program would have to go through. Your heart goes out to Liza as she has to uproot her entire life to keep herself safe. High School, Middle School-Advisable. Reviewer: AL

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