Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. If you do it, make sure you link up! (And make sure when you link up, you actually have an Hey, It's Okay post up, please.)


To have liked the movie Captain America. I preferred the guy when he was scrawny though. I prefer skinny men to buff ones. I’d be worried they’d crush me with their bicep.

To have not had to be in two places at once after all. Remember my Friday post where I wrote how my kids each had things going on at their school at the same time? Well, turns out Tommy had a 100.5 temp and had to come home. (I swear, I’m not one of those mothers who send their kids to school sick. He was fine when he left, being loud as ever so I was surprised..)

To still prefer children’s cereals over the adult ones. I’m currently munching on Cookie Crisp.

To get annoyed when people take their kids trick or treating but don’t leave any candy out for people. When we go out we always leave a bowl of candy out that says “Please take one.” Granted, sometimes you have a brat who takes EVERYTHING. Still. The thought is there.

To not be thrilled to carve pumpkins. We had to do it on Sunday. The kids insisted. I got pumpkin goo all up my arm.

To have made homemade Rice Krispy treats for the first time. Usually I buy the already made kinds. Homemade treats are yum-mah.

To have my own candy stash from Trick or Treating. I take all my favorites from the kids. I figure it’s my payment for, you know, giving them life and all.

To have let the kids eat all the candy they wanted on Halloween. It’s one day. And it’s Halloween. (And yes, they still went to bed on time. The whole sugar makes kids more hyper thing is a myth, according to studies...it’s the excitement that makes the kids crazy, not the sugar…)

To not be surprised that Kim Kardashian is divorcing her husband. It’s
called Publicity people. I doubt the relationship was even real.

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