Monday, November 7, 2011


I’m not going to lie.

I was scared.

But it was my idea to go upstairs and watch it in the dark even though Tom was like, “Are you sure? It’s about a ghost girl and ghost girls are the worst.”

I said I’d be fine.

But I wasn’t.

Why did I want to watch Ghost Adventures in our room? In the dark? And holy crap, why were they going on about a satanic ghost? I had to deal with a ghost child AND a demon?

“I warned you,” Tom said when he saw the covers up to my nose.

“I’m not scared. I’m just comfortable this way,” I lied, voice muffled.

(I was scared. Shitless.)

(Especially when the show aired a photo taken of the girl ghost and IT WAS SCARY AS HELL! Why Zak Bagans? Why?)

I was contemplating suggesting that we change the channel to something less...satanic when the house started to shake.

As in, things on the drawers started wobbling back and forth and pictures against the wall jerked violently.

“It’s the ghost! Poltergeist!” I screamed. Right into Tom’s ear, apparently, because he was like, “Thanks for screaming into my ear. It’s not a ghost. Calm down.”

Calm down?


OUR ENTIRE HOUSE WAS SHAKING! The demon ghost knew we were watching the program, it was pissed, it came to Oklahoma and....


Didn’t I remember hearing that Oklahoma was hit with an earthquake early that morning? Tom and I slept right through it but when I checked the Facebook group many people reported feeling shaking.

Were we having another earthquake?

“The children!” I bellowed. “We have to get the children!”

I leapt out of bed and burst into Natalie’s room. I expected to find her curled in her bed crying. Instead she was passed out. Asleep.

Um, okay.

So I peeked into Tommy’s room and he was sitting up in bed going, “What was that? Are we dying?”

(I MIGHT have passed on my dramatics..)

“No, it’s an earthquake,” I explained as the house shuddered one last time. Then it was perfectly still.

“But we’re not in California,” Tommy answered primly. He’s really into weather. He has many books that he’s studied.

“You can have an earthquake anywhere,” I said.

“What about the aftershock? We have to prepare for the aftershock,” Tommy replied.

We waited a few minutes and then switched on the local news where we were told that yes, it was an earthquake (phew, no poltergeist) and that it was measured at 5.6.


It was the highest record Oklahoma ever had.

I’m sure glad I got to experience it <--sarcasm

My nerves are not prepared for earthquakes, people. I’m overdramatic. If this happens again I’ll want to burst outside screaming, “We’re all going to die!” I’m sure the people who believe the world is going to end in 2012 are like, “You see? YOU SEE!”

Anyway, we’re all okay. Nothing was damaged. I wouldn’t be sad if we never got another earthquake again…

…because really, other than thinking we were being attacked by Casper, I also pictured that scene in Independence Day when everything was shaking as the UFO came into our atmosphere and thought, “The aliens have arrived!”


I need to chill.

And never watch ghost programs in our bedroom again.

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