I love junk food.
This has never been a secret as I've posted many pictures of the things I like to consume. (Donuts, candy bars, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups have all made multiple appearances on my blog. Among other things.)
Yesterday I posted this on my Facebook page:
Spaghetti for dinner! The real kind, not that healthy wheat stuff.
I do not like the wheat noodles. I think they taste like cardboard. Not for me.
This caused a reader of mine to make a comment. I won't copy word for word what she said but it was basically the fact that she couldn't understand why I would encourage bad eating habits when the country has a lot of obese kids and that I was being irresponsible.
Now, I'm fine with opinions. I encourage them. I would not want everyone to think or behave like I do. But it did rub me the wrong way when I was called irresponsible so yes, I replied and reminded her that it was my page and that I'd post what I wanted on it. I said that my kids do eat healthy foods, in fact, my daughter will sometimes ask for fruit or vegetables over a cookie. I simply don't always write about it. Why? Because who wants to read about someone eating an apple? Boring. I'd much rather hear that someone is eating a spectacular cupcake or something.
A lot of my Facebook friends chimed in, agreeing with me, stating that they didn't see why she was calling me irresponsible. I did not ask anyone to do this. My friends have brains of their own. But the reader who had left the irresponsible comment said that she didn't understand why I was encouraging the reaction from my friends...and I wasn't. She went on to say that she has read my blog, bought my book, and that she was disappointed in the reaction.
I immediately felt guilty.
It was NOT my intention to make her feel bad. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I appreciate everyone who has purchased my book. I always want people to feel comfortable if they follow me online.
I understand her comment: she's worried that my poor habits might rub off on my kids. I get it. But honestly, I tend to pig out when they aren't around because frankly I don't want to share. We always have fruits and vegetables in the house. My kids mainly drink water (my son will only drink water. Natalie mostly drinks water but she does branch out and gets a cup of Sprite or Sweet Tea once in awhile.) My daughter LOVES healthy snacks. But again, I don't always write about it so I can understand why readers might think, oh man, she only has junk food in that house. Because that's what I choose to SHARE.
My kids are UNDERweight but are perfectly healthy. They have never had a cavity either. And yes, I know people can be skinny and still be unhealthy. But my kids ARE healthy. I don't shove junk down their throats. They know what healthy foods are, I promise.
If that reader is reading this now, again, I do apologize. It was never my intention for it to become a big thing. I respect your opinion but understand that it did hurt my feelings to be called irresponsible when I was simply stating what we were having for dinner.
So anyway, that was my online fun. I totally get that not everyone will agree with the way I live my life and that's okay. I am who I am.
I am who I am and I will always have Little Debbie snacks in my cupboard and will never serve wheat noodles in my home.
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