Friday, November 8, 2013

Meanwhile, On Instagram...

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen these pictures.

Some people don't have Instagram so I'll share some photos I've posted to the site.

(I'm on Instagram as WhisperingWriter.)

I'm grateful we have a patient cat. He lets Natalie do this to him so long as she's gentle. He's also pleased when she goes to bed.

The kids had fun on Halloween. They also got a lot of candy. I helped myself to some pieces as I don't feel they fully appreciate a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup correctly.

Natalie got to meet Spongebob! He even talked, which weirded me out a bit. I'm used to masked characters standing silently and miming at you. This Spongebob laughed and told Natalie that Patrick was sleeping. Tommy refused to go over. "I'm too OLD for this!" he fumed.

Tommy had to do this in school. The stinky armpits and cranky bubbles made me giggle. Mostly because they are SO TRUE.

Natalie went outside in this the other day. I was too tired to argue. "I'm being a ballerina today," she told me seriously.

Natalie might be girly but she'll also bravely hold a snake like Britney Spears.

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