Thursday, November 21, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Sexiest Man Alive?

I'm sure most people have heard about People's Sexiest Man Alive choice.

If not, here it is.

Image found at

I know a lot of women (and maybe men) are squealing over the cover. Many of my friends are.

And then I'm over here going, "What? No! Was John Krasinski busy or something?"

I admit it. I am not a fan of Adam Levine. I don't watch The Voice. I don't like Maroon 5. I want to cover my ears when he sings. His voice goes very high and it frightens me. I don't care if he moves like Jagger. I don't want to hear about it, Adam. I just don't.

Family Guy agrees with me.

(And then Stewie pops his head in front of Adam and says something like, "Yeah, it is." Not my taste. Not Stewie's taste. Though I do appreciate the fact that Adam is game on making fun of himself.)

I rarely agree with the Sexiest Man choice, I admit that. I wish People would change it up. Maybe put a soldier on the cover. A teacher. John Krasinski. Why must all these men be classically handsome? Elijah Wood? He has amazing eyes. Jason Segal? He sang with muppets for God's sake!

I won't be purchasing this issue.

And I'll cross my fingers before I go into the commissary because I swear, every time I go into the store, Moves Like Jagger is playing. It startles the elderly shoppers (well, not really, but one did say, "This is some silly music, Herb.")

I also see that other men are in the magazine. Like Justin Timberlake (his voice scares me too), one of the Hemsworth brothers (both are too pretty boy for me), and Hugh Jackman (actually, I do like him.)

Maybe next year People will surprise me. I doubt it, but one can hope.

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