Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hodge Podge Vol 151

Here are the questions to this week's Hodgepodge courtesy of our hostess with the most-ess, Joyce.  .  I hope you will join us.  The rules are simple.  Copy the questions and then answer them on your own blog, then jump back over to Joyce's and add your link to the party.  See you there!

1. What lesson has failure taught you?  I have actually learned two.  The first is that this may not be the road you were meant to travel and the second is always trust God to know what is best for you.
2. What decision are you glad you made?  I am glad I decided to have a child. I would not take anything for my daughter.  She is my best friend, confidant, prayer warrior, encourager, and she is my biggest fan.  I love her dearly.  I am also glad I decided to get my Master's Degree.  I never knew when I went after it I would be supporting myself.

 3. I've been a little bit surprised to see fully lit and decorated Christmas trees popping up for the past several weeks in friend's Instagram feeds. So tell the truth-is your tree up and decorated, and if so when did that happen? If not, when will you be decking the halls?  My tree is definietely not up.  It will NOT be up until after we have shared Thanksgiving.  Yesterday I got all up in arms about Thanksgiving so if you want to see me at my finest (NOT) click here.  I may decorate it sometime over Thanksgiving when Frank is watching football.  I may wait until the next weekend.  I have no set time....except....NOT before Thanksgiving.
4. Solitaire-Poker-Rummy-Hearts-Go Fish-Old Maid...which game of cards would you most like to join?  My mom played Solitaire all the time after my brother died.  I really hate to see anyone sitting at a table continuously playing.  I play Solitaire only.  I would have to say Rummy.  I love Shanghai and Gin.
5. This question comes to you courtesy of a Facebook friend, who once upon a time had a blog...When you're feeling stressed do you snack a lot or are you more the 'can't eat' type? I am ashamed to say that I snack more when I am stressed.
6.  Have you ever reviewed a product or service on line? Was your review favorable or less than favorable? I review books all the time and have had favorable ones and ones that were not.  I always feel a bit guilty when the review is negative.  I have even had several local authors bring me their books to review.  I guess they like what I have done so far. 
7. What was the best conversation you had yesterday?   I actually had two.  Frank and I had a great one on the skipping of Thanksgiving and stores being opened on Thanksgiving day.  We are both staunch believers that this is WRONG!  The first one was yesterday morning and had to do with the cheeky little commercials that are coming out.  Yes...the Axe ball cleaner and the three K-mart commercials made me laugh at first.  But, after thinking about it....I will be seeing this...and although they may not grasp all the sexual is being put out there for them to see.  I am a this the kind of message I want sent on Christmas????  One of the holiest of holy days???
8.  Insert your own random thought here. What is your opinion of stores staying open all day on Thanksgiving?  Sorry...I just can't let it go!  I will say this....Longhorn's in Auburn/Opelika will be closed we saw last night.  The sign read, "We will be closed on Thanksgiving so we can be home with our families."  I loved it!  The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday.....NOT Black Thursday.  If stores are going to be open on Thursday....then let them close early...say people can go home and be with their special ones.  I have preached enough...sorry for my blowing off steam.

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