Thursday, November 14, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Anti-Princess

Natalie loves dressing up like a princess.

Rapunzel is her favorite.

Her room is filled with a variety of princess dresses. I'm okay with it. So it irks me when I come across articles where people are like, "I don't allow my daughter to wear princess dresses. I want her to be more."



I also remember reading a Halloween article where the mother said she forbid her daughter to dress up as a princess for Halloween. Someone else said that they'd allow allow their daughter to be a "strong" princess, like Merida.

I don't see what the big deal is. Make believe is an important part of growing up. I love that Natalie wants to wear princess dresses. I think it's cute. She doesn't have to be a strong princess either. I don't think it's going to stunt her growth if she prances around in a Snow White dress. So what if Snow White didn't do a whole lot? It's a story. It's a story that makes my daughter happy.

One day she'll outgrow her princess obsession. I'm dreading that day mainly because what usually comes after the cute make believe stage is the "can I have this Abercrombie an Fitch shirt?" (No.)

We're a pro-princess family.

In fact, Natalie just got the Anna dress from the new Disney movie Frozen.

Cinderella ate my daughter. (Confused? It's a book.)

And I'm okay with that.

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