Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Keep The Change, You Filthy Animal

"Keep the change you filthy animal!" Natalie told me seriously as she handed over a wad of Barbie money.

I'm glad the movie Home Alone could teach her colorful phrase to use. (It comes from that black and white film that Kevin watches throughout the movie in case you haven't seen Home Alone in a long time. Or ever. If you've never seen Home Alone, I'm stunned.)

So long as Natalie doesn't use it at school. Then I'll get a phone call from the teacher saying, "Natalie is going around calling people filthy animals."


Natalie watched Home Alone for the first time over the weekend....

....and immediately gasped when Kevin's Uncle Frank shouted, "Look what you did, you little jerk!"

"That's not a nice thing to say," Natalie said primly. "I'd cry."

I forgot about some of the language in the movie. Not that it bothers me. They know not to repeat certain things in public. But I imagine some parents might be all, "This is not an appropriate movie!"

But the movie uses the following words at least once:




Tommy, who is obsessed with movie ratings went, "What is this rated?" He checked and saw it was PG.

"Ratings were lax back then," I explained. "There weren't uppity parents running around whining that their precious Sally might be corrupted if she heard the word hell in a children's film."

Natalie also seemed surprised when Kevin told his mother, "I am upstairs, dummy."

She was like, "If I said that, all my ponies would be taken away from me."

Natalie enjoyed the movie. Tommy had already seen it before but joined us. Naturally their favorite part is when the robbers are outwitted by Kevin.

(Oh no. The dreaded h-word.)

I loved the movie as a kid and was happy to see my own children enjoying it. Next week we'll watch Home Alone 2.

"Will they say, 'Keep the change you filthy animal?'" Natalie asked hopefully.

At least she didn't become attached to a line with hell in it, right?

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