Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Decorating For Christmas NOW?

"I already decorated my house for Christmas!" my friend told me enthusiastically.

I looked around in confusion. "I'm sorry. Did I sleep for a month? Is Thanksgiving already over?" I mean, I like to sleep, but holy crap, did I sink into some odd coma? I did consume a lot of Halloween candy. Perhaps that put me into a long ass slumber.

"No, silly. We just LOVE Christmas!"

Well, you know, so do I, but decorating for Christmas now seems too soon. I've already been annoyed with the holiday commercials and the Christmas music in the stores. I'm not a Grinch, I promise. I just feel like we should celebrate one holiday at a time. Let's get through Thanksgiving and then get into the Christmas spirit.

So many of my Facebook friends have already decorated their homes as well. They've posted pictures and I'm like, "Lovely home!" while thinking, "Am I the only one who feels like it's too soon?" Even Natalie is confused. There are some homes who are already ready for Santa Claus with lights and inflatables out front and she's like, "But it's not even Thanksgiving yet." When she sees a Christmas commercial she sighs and goes, "It's not even THANKSGIVING YET, K-Mart! Hey, what's K-Mart anyway?" That's what half of the US population probably wants to know, Natalie.

I am looking forward to Christmas. I can't wait to lug our tree out. I even got one of those Creepy Elf on the Shelf thingies even though I swore I'd never get one. (I got it for cheap on Amazon.) But I'm going to pig out on turkey first. And then I'll go into our garage and pull out all of our holiday boxes and hope that I'm not squished. (I'm sort of a pack rat. Tom calls it hoarding. I call it preserving memories. There's a difference.)

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