Friday, November 22, 2013

Portraits for Patriots

"Tommy. Try not to look like you're being forced to listen to a Justin Bieber CD," I suggested.

Mainly because he looked like this:

"I can't help it!" Tommy argued. "She smells!"

Natalie looked over at him indignantly. "I do NOT!" She lifted her hand as if she were going to bop him on the head. But then she glanced over at her Daddy, who frowned and shook his head slightly. She does not ever want to disappoint Daddy so she lowered her hand and went, "Well, at least I'm smiling!"

We were getting pictures done on base by this wonderful program called Portraits for Patriots. Photographers would come in and take photos in a studio setting for free. I thought, hooray, I can get holiday photos. But then I saw Tommy's scowling face and wondered how joyful the pictures would turn out.

"Let's take another," the photographer suggested.

"I don't like being beside her," Tommy grumbled. You know, for awhile after I had Natalie I thought, yay, she has a big brother to protect her. It turns out Tommy would be more than happy to ignore her for the rest of his life. This is because she's too loud for him. And bossy.

The only photo we got where Tommy looks semi-pleased (and by semi-pleased, I mean looks like he's pooping) is this one:

We got a family photo that I look weird in. If I knew how to apply makeup correctly, I'd like it more.

And yes, that's the same dress I wore when Tom came back from his deployment. I'm like Kate Middleton. I recycle my stuff. (And also, I own like 3 dresses that are flattering. The other 2 were crumbled and wrinkled on the closet floor so this one it was!)

We got individual shots of the kids. Natalie did her fake smile.

I would have made farting noises but our photographer was on the older side and I didn't want to frighten him. Also, it would have mortified Tom.

I love Natalie's dress. It's from The Children's Place. I have a "thing" for peter pan collars. Some people abhor them. I love them.

Then the photographer said he'd take pictures of just Tommy, who groaned but did it anyway.

He looks much better than the ones with Natalie, huh?

There were also pictures of Tom and I. And look, Tom is actually smiling. Sort of.

It could be because he whispered in my ear, "Are you wearing panties?" and I was like, "Jesus Tom, yes! I'm not Britney Spears!"

I am so grateful to Portraits for Patriots. I assumed they'd take one or two photos but no, as you see, they took multiple shots. I will have some photos to send out with Christmas cards!

Thank you, Portraits for Patriots!

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