Friday, November 29, 2013

My Husband Wears Turkey Hats


My husband in a turkey hat.


My son with a spoon on his nose as we ate our Thanksgiving meal.

We would never fit in at Downton Abbey.

So how was your Thanksgiving? Did you pig out? I did. This was my plate:

That's turkey skin. I love turkey skin. I will fight you for the turkey skin. Mine. Especially since my Dad made the turkey over his Weber Grill with bacon on top.

I pigged out because I feel calories don't count on holidays.

I did not go shopping. Facebook posts scared me away from that. When people talk about finding NO parking spaces at WalMart, that's a sign to stay away. I am not going Black Friday shopping either. At least, in the physical sense. I have been ordering stuff online. I am only human.

And oh yeah, we drove to Texas to see my parents. My Dad is super jazzed.

No, but really, he lets the kids do crazy stuff to him.

I do not recommend driving the day before a holiday though. The traffic was insane. Tom kept going, "Who are all these people?" Natalie kept going, "My butt hurts. Are we almost there?" Tommy was in a panic because the stylus from his Nintendo 3DS came out and he felt he needed that particular one or else his future gameplay would be ruined.

It was a fun road trip.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoyed your Thursday.

I'm off to eat more turkey skin.

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