Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Gourmet Grilled Cheese Cookbook by Kit Graham Review

Does anyone else love cheese?

I do!

It was why I was happy to review The Gourmet Grilled Cheese Cookbook by Kit Graham.

The book is filled with all sorts of delicious grilled cheese recipes.

There's one for the classic grilled cheese with tomato soup:

I mean, yum. I have this at least once per week. I love it so much.

There was also a recipe for a Jalapeño Popper Grilled Cheese:

I love spicy foods so I know I'd like this one.

There were so many fantastic recipes. Some included are: Loaded Baked Potato Grilled Cheese, Herb Roasted Tomato and Mozzarella Grilled Cheese, and Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheese, to name a few.

The book also had some non-grilled cheese recipes in the back. I loved this bacon one:

I liked how the book had colored pictures to accompany the recipes. They made me drool.

The author, Kit Graham, clearly knows what she is doing. She writes for a site called thekittchen where she lists many other delicious recipes. I will be checking that out for sure.

You can also learn more about Kit by following her Twitter or Liking her on Facebook.

If you want your own copy of The Gourmet Grilled Cheese Cookbook, you can purchase it on Amazon here or at other book retailers. If you have someone in your life who loves cheese, this would make a great Christmas idea.

I plan on making a lot of these grilled cheese ideas very soon. As it gets colder, there is nothing better than having grilled cheese and soup, after all.

Xperience Days $50 Gift Certificate Winner!

I did a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate to Xperience Days here.

I used to pick a winner and it chose..

....number 2, which is Kim. Congrats!!

Aloha Rose: From the Quilts of Love Series

About the book: When Laney Carrigan's adoptive parents encourage her as an adult to seek out her birth family, her only clue is the Lokelani quilt in which she was found wrapped as an infant. Centering her search on the Big Island, she battles fears of rejection from a family that abandoned her once before while her faith struggles to embrace God's love.Along the path to her true heritage, she meets Hawaiian cowboy/helicopter pilot, Kai Barnes. Kai is determined to protect the people he's come to regard as family against a woman he suspects of being nothing more than a gold-digger, but he finds himself drawn to Laney in spite of his reservations. He's spent his entire life seeking forgiveness from past mistakes and longs for a second chance at happiness. Laney's painstaking journey to find restoration and a place to belong among the breathtaking allure of the Big Island will lead her closer to her past and maybe even something more.
Purchase a copy:

Meet the author: Lisa Carter has been published in MomSense and Christian Parenting Today. Lisa is currently teaching music at a preschool and enjoying the enthusiasm and joy for life for which preschoolers are famous. She and David have two beautiful daughters.  Find out more at:

My Thoughts About The Book:  I loved the characters in this book.  My most favorite were Kai and Laney. Both of them had dark childhood issues and I found myself hoping the two would find peace with their pasts and learn to accept love. Carter is a master with character development and I found I was hooked from the very first chapter. This book is more than a love story, it is a story of hope, love, and finding keys to the past. 

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from Litfuse Publishing Group  in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

1773 Revolution Rising - The Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party, December 17, 1773

Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the war's conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royal ineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including the Stamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre (1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country. But it was the Crown's attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to action and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.

 A view of the Town of Boston in New England and British ships of war landing their troops, 1768

On Tuesday last the body of the people of this and all the adjacent towns, and others from the distance of twenty miles, assembled at the old south meeting-house, to inquire the reason of the delay in sending the ship Dartmouth, with the East-India Tea back to London; and having found that the owner had not taken the necessary steps for that purpose, they enjoin'd him at his peril to demand of the collector of the customs a clearance for the ship, and appointed a committee of ten to see it perform'd; after which they adjourn'd to the Thursday following ten o'clock.

Americans throwing the Cargoes of the Tea Ships into the River, at Boston

They then met and being inform'd by Mr. Rotch, that a clearance was refus'd him, they enjoye'd him immediately to enter a protest and apply to the governor for a pass port by the castle, and adjourn'd again till three o'clock for the same day. At which time they again met and after waiting till near sunset Mr. Rotch came in and inform'd them that he had accordingly enter'd his protest and waited on the governor for a pass, but his excellency told him he could not consistent with his duty grant it until his vessel was qualified. The people finding all their efforts to preserve the property of the East India company and return it safely to London, frustrated by the sea consignees, the collector of the customs and the governor of the province, DISSOLVED their meeting.--But, BEHOLD what followed!

A number of brave & resolute men, determined to do all in their power to save their country from the ruin which their enemies had plotted, in less than four hours, emptied every chest of tea on board the three ships commanded by the captains Hall, Bruce, and Coffin, amounting to 342 chests, into the sea!! without the least damage done to the ships or any other property. The matters and owners are well pleas'd that their ships are thus clear'd; and the people are almost universally congratulating each other on this happy event.  Boston Gazette December 20, 1773

Americans throwing the Cargoes of the Tea Ships into the River, at Boston

The Boston Tea Party was an act of direct action protest by the American colonists against the British Government in which they destroyed many crates of tea belonging to the British East India Company and dumped it into the Boston Harbor. The incident, which took place on December 16, 1773, was a major catalyst of the American Revolution and remains an iconic event of American history.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Lisa Jo Baker's "The Tired Mother's Holiday Creed"

Repeat after me:
  1. I shall not wait for my house or my life to be perfect before inviting someone in.
  2. I shall remember that big hospitality has nothing to do with the size of my house.
  3. I shall not judge my house, my Holidays or my gift wrapping skills by Pinterest’s standards.
  4. I shall tell myself that no one ever did actually die of embarrassment from a small or messy space. And that missing out on community is a much worse kind of dying.
  5. I shall not compare myself to others’ traditions, decor or gifts, but find my identity in the God who came to *be* the gift to me.
  6. I shall play music loudly and teach my kids the joy of wildly off key carols.
  7. I shall accept that a messy house at peace is better than an immaculate house tied up in knots.
  8. I shall remember that guests will only feel as comfortable in my home as I feel in my own skin.
  9. I shall embrace the fact that in becoming a mom I traded perfect for a house full of real.
  10. I shall remember that there’s no shame in paper plates if they’re heaped high with delight in each others’ company.
  11. I shall give my friends the gift of comparison-free friendship.
  12. I shall pause between preparations to savor the celebrations.
  13. I shall remember that hospitality is about opening the door, not about how fancy the furniture, decor or dishes. 
  14. I shall treat my family with the same grace I offer my guests.
  15. I shall treat myself with the same grace I offer everyone else.
  16. I shall leave the dishes and lean into the conversations.
  17. I shall not focus on fear of appearances but on fully opening my arms to my friends and family.
  18. I shall not be intimidated by how the holidays, the turkey, the tree or the memories “should” be celebrated but love the people I’m celebrating with instead.
  19. I shall welcome my kids into the decorations, preparations, and celebrations.
  20. I shall remember that I want you here. Whether I’m perfectly ready or not. Just the way you are. Which will likely mean most days, I must open the door just the way I am too.
~ with love from one tired, happy mother to another.

My Husband Wears Turkey Hats


My husband in a turkey hat.


My son with a spoon on his nose as we ate our Thanksgiving meal.

We would never fit in at Downton Abbey.

So how was your Thanksgiving? Did you pig out? I did. This was my plate:

That's turkey skin. I love turkey skin. I will fight you for the turkey skin. Mine. Especially since my Dad made the turkey over his Weber Grill with bacon on top.

I pigged out because I feel calories don't count on holidays.

I did not go shopping. Facebook posts scared me away from that. When people talk about finding NO parking spaces at WalMart, that's a sign to stay away. I am not going Black Friday shopping either. At least, in the physical sense. I have been ordering stuff online. I am only human.

And oh yeah, we drove to Texas to see my parents. My Dad is super jazzed.

No, but really, he lets the kids do crazy stuff to him.

I do not recommend driving the day before a holiday though. The traffic was insane. Tom kept going, "Who are all these people?" Natalie kept going, "My butt hurts. Are we almost there?" Tommy was in a panic because the stylus from his Nintendo 3DS came out and he felt he needed that particular one or else his future gameplay would be ruined.

It was a fun road trip.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoyed your Thursday.

I'm off to eat more turkey skin.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Once Upon A Time on Thanksgiving

I have always loved Thanksgiving.  I love the family, the food, the fun.  As a child my father would always tell me a story very much like the one below.  I remember being wildly in love with Myles Standish.  I always envisioned him as tall, blonde, and handsome.  The perfect man of my dreams.  As an adult I know that the first Thanksgiving was not nearly as romantic as I believed it to be.  The Indians brought food to keep the new American's from starving, plain and simple.  Anyways my story goes like this, "Nearly four hundred years ago, a great many of the people in England were very unhappy because their king would not let them pray to God as they liked. The king said they must use the same prayers that he did; and if they would not do this, they were often thrown into prison, or perhaps driven away from home.  "Let us go away from this country," said the unhappy Englishmen to each other; and so they left their homes, and went far off to a country called Holland. It was about this time that they began to call themselves "Pilgrims." Pilgrims, you know, are people who are always traveling to find something they love, or to find a land where they can be happier; and these English men and women were journeying, they said, "from place to place, toward heaven, their dearest country."  In Holland, the Pilgrims were quiet and happy for a while, but they were very poor; and when the children began to grow up, they were not like English children, but talked Dutch, like the little ones of Holland, and some grew naughty and did not want to go to church any more.  "This will never do," said the Pilgrim fathers and mothers; so after much talking and thinking and writing they made up their minds to come here to America. They hired two vessels, called the Mayflower and the Speedwell, to take them across the sea; but the Speedwell was not a strong ship, and the captain had to take her home again before she had gone very far.  The Mayflower went back, too. Part of the Speedwell's passengers were given to her, and then she started alone across the great ocean.  There were one hundred people on board - mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and little children. They were very crowded; it was cold and uncomfortable; the sea was rough, and pitched the Mayflower about, and they were two months sailing over the water. The children cried many times on the journey, and wished they had never come on the tiresome ship that rocked them so hard, and would not let them keep still a minute.  But they had one pretty plaything to amuse them, for in the middle of the great ocean a Pilgrim baby was born, and they called him "Oceanus," for his birthplace. When the children grew so tired that they were cross and fretful, Oceanus' mother let them come and play with him, and that always brought smiles and happy faces back again.  At last the Mayflower came in sight of land; but if the children had been thinking of grass and flowers and birds, they must have been very much disappointed, for the month was cold November, and there was nothing to be seen but rocks and sand and hard bare ground.  Some of the Pilgrim fathers, with brave Captain Myles Standish at their head, went on shore to see if they could find any houses or white people. But they only saw some Indians, who ran away from them, and found some Indian huts and some corn buried in holes in the ground. They went to and fro from the ship three times, till by and by they found a pretty place to live, where there were "fields and little running brooks."  Then at last all the tired Pilgrims landed from the ship on a spot now called Plymouth Rock, and the first house was begun on Christmas Day. But when I tell you how sick they were and how much they suffered that first winter, you will be very sad and sorry for them. The weather was cold, the snow fell fast and thick, the wind was icy, and the Pilgrim fathers had no one to help them cut down the trees and build their church and their houses.  The Pilgrim mothers helped all they could; but they were tired with the long journey, and cold, and hungry too, for no one had the right kind of food to eat, nor even enough of it.  So first one was taken sick, and then another, till half of them were in bed at the same time, Brave Myles Standish and the other soldiers nursed them as well as they knew how; but before spring came half of the people died and had gone at last to "heaven, their dearest country."  But by and by the sun shone more brightly, the snow melted, the leaves began to grow, and sweet spring had come again.  Some friendly Indians had visited the Pilgrims during the winter, and Captain Myles Standish, with several of his men, had returned the visit.  One of the kind Indians was called Squanto, and he came to stay with the Pilgrims, and showed them how to plant their corn, and their pease and wheat and barley.  When the summer came and the days were long and bright, the Pilgrim children were very happy, and they thought Plymouth a lovely place indeed. All kinds of beautiful wild flowers grew at their doors, there were hundreds of birds and butterflies, and the great pine woods were always cool and shady when the sun was too bright.  When it was autumn the fathers gathered the barley and wheat and corn that they had planted, and found that it had grown so well that they would have quite enough for the long winter that was coming.  "Let us thank God for it all," they said. "It is He who has made the sun shine and the rain fall and the corn grow." So they thanked God in their homes and in their little church; the fathers and the mothers and the children thanked Him.  "Then," said the Pilgrim mothers, "let us have a great Thanksgiving party, and invite the friendly Indians, and all rejoice together."  So they had the first Thanksgiving party, and a grand one it was! Four men went out shooting one whole day, and brought back so many wild ducks and geese and great wild turkeys that there was enough for almost a week. There was deer meat also, of course, for there were plenty of fine deer in the forest. Then the Pilgrim mothers made the corn and wheat into bread and cakes, and they had fish and clams from the sea besides.  The friendly Indians all came with their chief Massasoit. Every one came that was invited, and more, I dare say, for there were ninety of them altogether.  They brought five deer with them, that they gave to the Pilgrims; and they must have liked the party very much, for they stayed three days.  Kind as the Indians were, you would have been very much frightened if you had seen them; and the baby Oceanus, who was a year old then, began to cry at first whenever they came near him.  They were dressed in deerskins, and some of them had the furry coat of a wild cat hanging on their arms. Their long black hair fell loose on their shoulders, and was trimmed with feathers or fox-tails. They had their faces painted in all kinds of strange ways, some with black stripes as broad as your finger all up and down them. But whatever they wore, it was their very best, and they had put it on for the Thanksgiving party.  Each meal, before they ate anything, the Pilgrims and the Indians thanked God together for all his goodness. The Indians sang and danced in the evenings, and every day they ran races and played all kinds of games with the children.  Then sometimes the Pilgrims with their guns, and the Indians with their bows and arrows, would see who could shoot farthest and best. So they were glad and merry and thankful for three whole days.  The Pilgrim mothers and fathers had been sick and sad many times since they landed from the Mayflower; they had worked very hard, often had not had enough to eat, and were mournful indeed when their friends died and left them. But now they tried to forget all this, and think only of how good God had been to them; and so they all were happy together at the first Thanksgiving party.  All this happened nearly four hundred years ago, and ever since that time Thanksgiving has been kept in our country.  Every year our fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers have "rejoiced together" like the Pilgrims, and have had something to be thankful for each time.  Every year some father has told the story of the brave Pilgrims to his little sons and daughters, and has taught them to be very glad and proud that the Mayflower came sailing to our country so many years ago."  Whatever you think of Thanksgiving Day, however you celebrate it, I hope you have a day filled with love, family, friends, hope, and much thanks to God for all that he has provided us with. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know I usually do Things That Annoy Me Thursday but being that it's Thanksgiving, it doesn't feel appropriate.

So I will say enjoy your turkey! Enjoy your pie!

If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, well, go have some pie.

If you're going shopping today, don't feel guilty. Many workers are happy to get time and a half. Tell me what you got.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Night Before Thanksgiving Hodge Podge

Welcome to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge! My rendition is coming to you live from Panama City Beach, FL!  I am here celebrating with my family.  If you want to play along, then copy the questions, answer them, and then go and hook up over at Joyce's site by clicking here.

1. Are you settling for something?  I looked at Joyce's meanings of the word settle, and the phrases  make-do, and put up with seemed to grab my attention. I sat and thought a long time over this and I have to be honest and say yes,  I suppose I am settling for a certain amount in my life. I don't get to live in the same city as my daughter and come June will not live in the same country, and just like Joyce  I would absolutely love, but I'll settle for, and make the best of, whatever time we do get to spend together. Hubs and I would love to be  to do but instead I will stay where I am and settle for the time I get to spend with her.  And yes, Joyce, it is true that life isn't always perfect, but less than perfect can be pretty okay too. 

2.  It wasn't that long ago almost every store in the US locked doors and turned out lights on Thanksgiving Day. This year many will be open all day Thursday, giving shoppers a jump start on 'Black Friday'. In your opinion is this a good thing or a not so good thing? Will you be shopping on Thanksgiving Day?  NO!  I posted a blog about this last week.  I realize that there are people who NEED to work on Thanksgiving.... nurses will be working and for that I am glad....soldiers will be working....and for that I am glad.....and last year we went to see Frank's sister for Thanksgiving and ate at a restaurant that was open until 3....but I will not be hanging out at Wal-Mart and I am not a Black Friday Fan so I won't be out at midnight to get a 100.00 TV.
3. Speaking of shopping...I saw a recent article on the twelve best shopping cities in the world. In order they are-New York, Tokyo, London, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Dubai, Madrid, Milan, and Seoul. Ever shopped in any of the cities listed? In which city would you most like to pull out the plastic or cold hard cash?  I have shopped in only a few of these and I loved shopping in New York, London(Covent Gardens was my favorite), Milan, and Paris.  But then I also loved shopping in Venice and Florence too.
  4. When did you last dine by candlelight?  Every time we eat at Pizza Villa in LaGrange, GA.

5. What do you have too much of?  Stuff would have to be my answer as long as I am still dealing with my mother's hoarding things.  Maybe one day it will all be gone.  I am shooting for Christmas next year.

6. The Hunger Games...are you a fan? Did you read the book(s)? Will you/have you see the movie? Will you/have you seen Catching FireDefinitely a fan! I loved the books, and enjoyed the first movie. The second book was my favorite of the three, so I'm looking forward to seeing Catching Fire
7. Share your plans for Thanksgiving Day. The who, the where, the what..especially the what! As in what's for dinner? If you're one of my International visitors, whose homeland doesn't celebrate American Thanksgiving (the whole world doesn't ya know!) then still tell us your plans for Thursday.
I am in Panama City Beach with my family and we have been here since late Monday night.  I am going to get up first thing and try and watch my school band - The BRHS Pride marching in the Chicago Thanksgiving Parade on WGN Chicago.  We will be cooking and then we will sit down and say grace and chow down on a roasted turkey (Amanda is working on it right now), ham, green beans, pumpkin pie, deviled eggs, a relish tray, caramel cake, red velvet cake, greens, sweet potatoe soufflé (Ruth Chris Steakhouse version), dressing and two casseroles.  There will be about 25 to 30 of us for the meal.  After eating we will sit around and sing.  I cannot wait!  Thanksgiving is always a special time in my family.8.  Share Your Random Thought - What a great time to be celebrating National Family Week.  Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  Enjoy your meal and your friends and family.

What I'm Thankful For (Diet Coke Is One!)

Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I decided to list some things I am thankful for.

--That Natalie doesn't like Justin Bieber or One Direction.

--People who understand that it's you're welcome. Not your welcome.

--Sleepless in Seattle. It's such a good movie.

--My dishwasher. I so hate doing dishes.

--Our cook. I'm kidding. We don't have a cook. But if we did, I'd be thankful for him or her.

--People who use their turn signals. So many don't. This upsets me.

--That I don't have to cook a Thanksgiving meal. My parents are and my dad generally makes his turkey over the grill with bacon wrapped around it. This excites me.

--My husband. Especially when he doesn't snore at night.

--My son. Especially when he doesn't shout that I'm the "worst mother ever."

--My daughter. Especially when she's quiet.

--Diet Coke. It's how I get my caffeine since I don't like coffee.

--Target. What a beautiful store. If only I could leave it without spending at least $50.


What are YOU thankful for?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To have not watched the AMA's. I don't care for a lot of the artists today.

To HAVE watched The Walking Dead. I can't believe it's already the Mid-Season Finale on Sunday. The governor is going nuts again.

To be going to my parents house for Thanksgiving. Yay! No cooking for me. I mean, I'll HELP of course but I won't be cooking on my own while cursing and shouting things like, "Next year we're going to Golden Corral!"

To really want to meet Grumpy Cat. I just love her angry face. And I love her name. Tard. Short for Tarter Sauce, apparently. (She has a brother named Pokey.) (Yes, I know too much about Grumpy Cat.)

To still be surprised when I hear a kid under 5 has their own iPad.

To not consider Santa a lie. I've come across some people on Facebook who say they don't do the Santa thing with their kids because they don't believe in lying to them. I always feel like I'm in the movie Miracle on 34th Street when I see posts like that.

To have not seen Catching Fire. I want to! I might see it with a friend after Thanksgiving Break.

To be going to Natalie's Thanksgiving Feast at her school for lunch. I'm bringing pie and cookies. None of which were homemade. I did not want to make anyone sick. (And yes, you CAN bring homemade stuff to her school.)

To have a $50 gift certificate giveaway to XperienceDays here.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Memories From Out of the Dark

Yesterday at church one of my members told a story about his first bicycle.  I love stories like this and so I hung on every word he said as his story unfolded.  The storytellers family was large and they only had one bike that they all had to share.  Two of the brothers found a bike frame, the sprockets, the gears and some tires and built a second bike.  They ran out of money before they could get tubes for the tires.  My storyteller came up with the ingenious idea to stuff the tires with socks.  It did not make the tires as tight as tubes would have....but it was better than nothing.  Several days later the two brothers rode down to a friend's house.  They played until nearly dark and on their way home the good bike of course moved a little ahead of the bike with the tires stuffed with socks....and then it happened.....a scary noise came from behind the youngest rider and he began to peddle faster and fast that he actually past and left the brother riding the bike with tubes.  I found myself chuckling out loud as the story came to a close. 
It reminded me of a funny moment in my life....which also involved see one night, very late, my first husband and I headed home from his brothers.  The road we chose to take was a dirt road, one that always scared me.  Just after getting on the road the car died and we could not get it cranked again.  The only think left to do was push it about mile down the road to a house.  The road was slick and muddy and since I had never steered a car that was in neutral my husband told me to get in the back and push while he pushed and steered.  It was hard pushing in the mud....and my husband thought to himself that he wished I would help him push.  About that time, he slipped down into the mud and the car passed him by.  I did not even see him laying there in the mud.  You see, I had been pushing....I was terrified.  I heard noises I never want to hear again.  We made it to the house and were able to crank the car and head home.  It was not funny while it was happening, but it has grown funny over the years.  Have you got a story like this that you would care to share with me in a comment?  I would love to hear about it. 

The Kmart Commercial Is Hilarious

Have you seen the latest K-mart commercial?

Apparently there has been some controversy. I can't imagine why.

My daughter loves the commercial.

She said, "These men are making music with their panties!"

Yes, she used the word panties.

And she now wants the boxers with the smiley face on it even though I explained that they are for men.

"But it's so FUNNY LOOKING!" she giggled.

It doesn't offend me. It's bells. On balls. Ball bells. *Snorts*

We are an amused family.

(Except for Tom. The commercial scares Tom. "I don't need to see men shake their junk!" he insists.)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling Review

I've always loved Mindy Kaling. She cracked me up when she was on The Office and she makes me giggle in The Mindy Kaling show. So it's no wonder why I enjoyed her book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns.)

I giggled throughout this book. Her chapter titles are even amusing. There is Failing At Everything in the Greatest City on Earth and Roasts Are Terrible, plus many more. And yes, she even has a chapter about The Office, which I loved. There was even a picture of John Krasinski which I quite enjoyed.

Mindy is down-to-earth and I am glad that she's not one of those stick thin actresses. Those types always make me want to shove a Big Mac in their faces. She seems like someone I could be friends with (I also enjoyed her How I Write chapter. She likes writing in bed. Me too. She also has an Apple laptop. Me too. Let's be friends, Mindy.)

This would make a fantastic Christmas gift. I would so give this book to my family and friends.

You can purchase Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) here.

Follow Mindy's hilarious tweets here.

Happy Reading!

The Dawn of Christmas

About the Book:  The Amish community of Apple Ridge is a place to discover anew that even though life doesn’t always look the way you might expect and pain can’t help but color our actions…love may just be around the corner, just in time for Christmas!  Sadie Yoder enjoys her freedom away from home but after four years, her Old Order Amish family insists it’s time to come home and settle down. Levi, a bachelor who distrusts women after a family heartbreak, also has no desire for romance. To keep their families from meddling in their lives, Sadie and Levi devise a plan—but soon discover that the walls around their hearts are breaking down. Can they let go of their prejudices, learn to trust each other, and embrace a future together?  Read an exerpt from Chapter One
About the Author: Cindy Woodsmall is a New York Times best-selling author who has written a dozen (and counting!) works of fiction and one of nonfiction. She and her dearest Old Order Amish friend, Miriam Flaud, coauthored the nonfiction, Plain Wisdom: An Invitation into an Amish Home and the Hearts of Two Women. Cindy’s been featured on ABC Nightline and the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and has worked with National Geographic on a documentary concerning Amish life. In June of 2013, the Wall Street Journal listed Cindy as the second most popular author of Amish fiction, following Beverly Lewis. - See more about Cindy Woodsmall and her books by clicking here

My Thoughts On The Book:  I have loved every book I have read by Cindy Woodsmall and the The Dawn of Christmas is no exception.  It is such a wonderfully written story about second chances and learning to trust again. Woodsmall is a master wordsmith and in this story she develops her characters so well that I felt as if I knew Levi and Sadie and their families. I found myself grieving for Levi and Sadie as Daniel stepped in and tore them apart.  This book is a must read if you are a fan of Woodsmall and/or Amish Fiction. 
Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers through their Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Psalm 100 Commandments

Today is our Thanksgiving service.  Advent starts Dec 1st.  I decided to use Psalm 100 as my scripture reference.  Psalm 100 is one of my favorite psalms.  It is a Psalm of Thanks, but that is not all it is.  Within it's five verses it contains five simple commands.  The first commands is found in verse one.  It is an easy one.  It tells us to SHOUT to the Lord.....not whisper....SHOUT! 

"1Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth!  2 Serve the Lord with celebration!  Come before him with shouts of joy!  3. Know that the Lord is God—he made us; we belong to him.  [a]We are his people,  the sheep of his own pasture.  4 Enter his gates with thanks;  enter his courtyards with praise!  Thank him! Bless his name!  5 Because the Lord is good,  his loyal love lasts forever;  his faithfulness lasts generation after generation."
The first commands is found in verse one. It is an easy one. It tells us to SHOUT to the Lord.....not whisper....SHOUT!  The second command tells us to Serve the Lord with Gladness.  It does not say serve the church, the preacher, the says, "serve the Lord."  The third command is, "Come before Him with joyful songs."   Command #4 is, "Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture."  You know what I find amazing is that God took every bone, every joint, and He welded them together with sinews & muscles & covered them with skin and gave us eyes that see, brains that think, and fingers that can pick things up. God made us, inside and out. He made you the way He wanted you to be. And He made me the way He wanted me to be.  Command #5 is this, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, & His courts with praise; give thanks to Him & praise His name. For the Lord is good & His love endures forever. His faithfulness continues through all generations."  God is everywhere. You know that. He is with you as you drive on the highway. He is with you when you work. He is with you as you care for your children. He is with you every moment of your life.  That is the source of our thanksgiving, isn’t it? But I’m worried. What if God began to treat us like we so often treat Him? What if God met our needs to the same extent that we give Him our lives?
What if we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when God sent the rain? What if God stopped loving & caring for us because we failed to love & care for others? What if God took away His message because we wouldn’t listen to His messenger?  What if He wouldn’t bless us today because we didn’t thank Him yesterday? What if God answered our prayers the way we answer His call for service? What if God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we did not follow Him today?
O Lord, help us to be thankful that you do "not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities" [Psalm 103:10].  In this season of Thanksgiving remember to be thankful for all that we have and love our neighbors. 

Xperience Days $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway! ***CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner Posted Here**

I don't know about any of you, but finding gifts for my husband can be difficult.

Then I was contacted by someone from and found all sorts of fabulous ideas.

Xperience Days has a bunch of different activity ideas from flying lessons to hot air balloon flights. I saw one for a Flyboarding Lesson that looks awesome. I know my husband would enjoy it.

Basically how the site works is you plug in the area where you live or where you are willing to travel and a bunch of different experiences pop up. We aren't far from Dallas so I picked that city and many different ideas showed up.

I found a Zipline Experience as well as a Raceway Speedway Ride Along. My husband would like either or those!

Plus, I like how there were reviews on the different experiences so you know for sure if it'll be worth your money. is offering a $50 gift certificate to their site to a lucky reader! So if you're unsure about a Christmas gift, look no further.

Giveaway Rules:

--Must be 21 or older

--Must live in the US

Mandatory Entry:

LIKE the Facebook page. Let me know the Facebook name you liked them under in your comment.

Extra Entries:

--Tell me what experience you would pick if you won the gift certificate

--FOLLOW on Twitter

For each thing you do, please leave a different comment. Make sure your e-mail address is linked to your blog. If it's not, leave it in your comment.

I will run this contest until November 30th so you can start planning your Christmas ideas should you win the certificate!

**I was not compensated for this post. I was contacted by someone from to write a post about the site. My opinions are my own.**

Saturday, November 23, 2013

In College? Check Out CampusBookRentals.Com!

"That'll be 579 dollars," the book store chick said in a peppy tone.

Say what?

I thought I misheard her. But no. My textbooks for my college classes added up to $579.

I wanted to cry.

I really wish existed back then. It would have saved me a lot of money. It's a site where you can RENT the textbooks you need and then return them. It is so much cheaper.

You get the following perks for renting books:

--free shipping both ways

--you CAN highlight in the books.

--there are no hidden fees. The price you see for the book you need is ALL you pay.

--if you decide you don't want or need the book you rented, you have 21 days to return it for a FULL refund

--if you need help, there is someone available by phone

Also, with each book you rent, donates to Operation Smile. Operation Smile is this wonderful program that helps children born with a cleft. I didn't realize that they could actually DIE from this but apparently 1 and 10 children can pass away from the defect. Operation Smile provides FREE surgery to help children from all over the world. So if you rent a book, you can feel good that your purchase has helped a child. also has a new program called RentBack. Say you purchased a book. Well, you can rent that book out to multiple students. For each student that rents your book, YOU get money! So if you had to pay over $500 in books like I did, you can make some money back!

Here's a detailed video on how RentBack works:

So if you're in college and need books, check out! If you've already paid an arm and a leg for books, check out!

I wish I could have.

**This is a sponsored post from My opinions are my own**

A Porch People Thanksgiving

I am sure at some time in your life you have seen the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie.  I used to look forward to it....and somewhere along the way I grew up.  It was my kickoff for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Today we went to Aunt Doris' house for the Burgess family Thanksgiving.  These are some of my favorite folks, these are my people, these are Porch People.  I looked forward all day to being at this gathering.  I knew there would be hugs, food, fellowship, more food, and if you left hungry it was your own fault!  This family has some amazing cooks in it!  Marcie has Jett for the time being (Magen and Keaton are in Birmingham with the girls) and so I volunteered to cook the dressing she normally cooks.  WHAT WAS I THINKING!  I love to cook, but I have never in my 59 years on this earth made dressing.  Remember....I grew up in South Florida....and my mom cooked STUFFING!  I am a Stove Top addict today because eating it gives me a feeling of home.  I asked Marcie for her recipe because I did not want anyone to be shocked with stuffing.  She wrote it out, as we do here in the South, on an envelope and talked me through it. The closer the weekend came....the more nervous I became.  Who am I kidding?  I was past nervous.  Friday night I made a pone of cornbread in my largest skillet.  Saturday morning at 5 a.m. I was making pone number two.  We went to breakfast with Beth, visited Jessica at Awbrey's Open House, ran to Russell Do-It, and Walmart, before coming home so I could complete this dressing.  Two huge onions, four stalks of celery, some soup, broth, salt, pepper later I had a massive amount of dressing in a pan, on my shirt, and on my face and arms.  I did not know how long to cook it.  So I decided to put it on at 12:30 and cook it for 30 mins and check it continuously.  Marcie gave me explicit instructions to  not cook it throughout....but to make sure when I stuck the toothpick in it came out with a few crumbs on it.  I thought....Hey....I make bread....I can do this......WRONG!  I should have had a trial run.  It was beautiful to look at.  There were crumbs on the toothpick.   It had a good taste.  It just was not what Marcie's tastes like...NOT EVEN CLOSE!  Kim brought another pan and HER's was just like Marcie.  When we went home Kim's was almost gone.  Mine was still hanging out...about 2/3rds full.  Marcie's teacher critique was well received....she said I needed another onion AND more broth when I make it for the Christmas gathering.  I laughed at that one.  I have been assigned chicken fingers so I am off dressing duty til next Thanksgiving.  Believe me I will have practiced between now and then.  For a first was not terrible.  It was edible (better with gravy and cranberry sauce on it) and I can now say I have made dressing. Thanks Marcie for the guidance.  As we sat and talked about all that we were thankful for I noticed Marcie getting kind of quiet.  I gave her a questioning look and she told me this was a bittersweet day for her.  Magen and Keaton joined us for the meal.  They were going to borrow their son for the day....and here this precious fractured little family was.  Everyone was here....but the girls....and right now they are not even together.  Kash is at Children's awaiting surgery and Kruze is still in the UAB NICU.  Sitting there looking at the family....made me miss mine....a lot.  The more I sat there, the more I wanted to cry.  As I looked into each face, saw the love and hope in their eyes, and heard the conversations going on all at once I felt at peace, I felt loved, I felt a strong sense of belonging.  It doesn't matter if you are blood related through your earthly parents, or blood related through your heavenly Father....we family and have so many things to be Thankful for.  God spoke to me during that still small window and told me...."now that is what I want your sermon on tomorrow. "" Did you hear me?"  He really spoke so loud I could not understand why everyone else was not looking up.  When Frank walked into the room a little later I told him we needed to go home.  We packed up what food we had left.....except for the dressing...we left it!  Once we got home (we live a pasture away) I sat down and threw my original sermon in the trash.  I am always amazed when God speaks(It amazes me even more when I listen).  What a blessed day I have had!  Good food, good friends, good family, and a good time was had by all!  Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Fly

It is that time again.  Time to clear my head, limber up my fingers, and just write.  I look so forward to Five Minute Friday.  It is my one day of the week when I can just free my soul and write.  If you want to learn more about it click here and head over to Lisa Jo's blog.   Now, set your timer friends, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right. These are your people. The poets, the mothers, the bloggers, the writers, the pencil and paper artists. Let’s do this. 1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.. OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:


The word fly brings many memories flooding to my brain.  The first would involve my youngest child.  My daughter thought she should fly.  When she was just a toddler she would drag a chair to the counter and climb up.  She would stand there and see if someone was looking then squeal and say, "Look!  I am flying!" as she dove off the counter.  I had many terrifying moments with this....but she had great faith that we would catch her and she was right....she never once hit the ground. 
The second one involved sweet childhood memories of flying kites with my kids.  We lived in the country and they loved seeing the kites take off and soar in the breeze. One of our favorite places to fly the kites was at Horseshoe Bend Military Park.  We would lay on the ground once they were airborne and just enjoy their dance.  The kids could not wait to get a kite and make the tail for it.  They would have contests to see who could make the longest one.

My third memory of flying was my first trip on a plane.  I was 8 and flew to my grandparents in Alabama.  I flew alone and actually earned a set of wings for being a good traveler.  My grandparents picked me up in Montgomery.  It was great fun.  Then came the big flight the night after seeing the movie Airport.  My seat mate was a young hippie with a duffle bag he kept nervously between his legs.  I just knew I was going to die when the bomb in his bag exploded.  Weather was bad on this flight and we flew out in the direction of the Bermuda Triangle.  I could see lightening and a bolt actually struck the wing of the plane.  I did not fly after that for a long while.

Hang gliding in the Chattanooga area was next.  As you can tell I am like my daughter and think maybe I should fly too.  I had just signed my divorce papers and was headed home from being with my friends Chuck and Sue in Knoxville.  I stopped, paid my money, and as I ran toward the edge of the mountain had a sobering thought and came to a screeching halt.  The instructor and I switched places and off we went. (I honestly drug my toes on the ground all the way to the air).  I remember making all kinds of deals and bargains with God those first few minutes.  I eventually opened my eyes and thought I was in heaven.  I actually paid for two rounds....but one was enough.  I figured if I made it to the ground once...why test fate. 
I also para sailed off the coast of Acapulco.  I was terrified of that one when I saw sharks swimming below me.  I offered the boat driver an extra 50.00 to bring me in without me hitting the water.
Flying has always appealed to me.  I love the feel of the air on me.  I love the peace that comes from the sky.
When I was a child I wanted to join the Navy and be a Blue Angel.  When I was young I don't think we missed any airshows where they were performing.  I get the love of flying honestly.  My mom wanted to be a pilot all her life.  One her 65 birthday I arranged for her to fly in a helicopter.  She was like a child at Christmas.  I don't think she could have had a better gift...oh wait...there was one...but that is for another day.  My dad was in the Naval Air Corp and never logged ANY time in a plane.  He did other peoples duties and they did his plane time.  My dad was a staunch follower of the Bible and in Matthew 28:20 we are told, "Lo, I am with you always."  That is a passage he followed until the day he died.  Both of my parents are in heaven and it thrills me to think my dad is flying with the angels and I cannot wait to join them both one day.  Yep, "Some glad morning when this day is o'er, I'll fly away!  Happy Friday and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Portraits for Patriots

"Tommy. Try not to look like you're being forced to listen to a Justin Bieber CD," I suggested.

Mainly because he looked like this:

"I can't help it!" Tommy argued. "She smells!"

Natalie looked over at him indignantly. "I do NOT!" She lifted her hand as if she were going to bop him on the head. But then she glanced over at her Daddy, who frowned and shook his head slightly. She does not ever want to disappoint Daddy so she lowered her hand and went, "Well, at least I'm smiling!"

We were getting pictures done on base by this wonderful program called Portraits for Patriots. Photographers would come in and take photos in a studio setting for free. I thought, hooray, I can get holiday photos. But then I saw Tommy's scowling face and wondered how joyful the pictures would turn out.

"Let's take another," the photographer suggested.

"I don't like being beside her," Tommy grumbled. You know, for awhile after I had Natalie I thought, yay, she has a big brother to protect her. It turns out Tommy would be more than happy to ignore her for the rest of his life. This is because she's too loud for him. And bossy.

The only photo we got where Tommy looks semi-pleased (and by semi-pleased, I mean looks like he's pooping) is this one:

We got a family photo that I look weird in. If I knew how to apply makeup correctly, I'd like it more.

And yes, that's the same dress I wore when Tom came back from his deployment. I'm like Kate Middleton. I recycle my stuff. (And also, I own like 3 dresses that are flattering. The other 2 were crumbled and wrinkled on the closet floor so this one it was!)

We got individual shots of the kids. Natalie did her fake smile.

I would have made farting noises but our photographer was on the older side and I didn't want to frighten him. Also, it would have mortified Tom.

I love Natalie's dress. It's from The Children's Place. I have a "thing" for peter pan collars. Some people abhor them. I love them.

Then the photographer said he'd take pictures of just Tommy, who groaned but did it anyway.

He looks much better than the ones with Natalie, huh?

There were also pictures of Tom and I. And look, Tom is actually smiling. Sort of.

It could be because he whispered in my ear, "Are you wearing panties?" and I was like, "Jesus Tom, yes! I'm not Britney Spears!"

I am so grateful to Portraits for Patriots. I assumed they'd take one or two photos but no, as you see, they took multiple shots. I will have some photos to send out with Christmas cards!

Thank you, Portraits for Patriots!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Stubborn Sweetness

About The Book:  "A Stubborn Sweetness and Other Stories for the Christmas Season is a collection of modern-day short stories by Katherine Paterson, award-winning author of Bridge to Terabithia and The Great Gilly Hopkins- both loved by children and adults for over twenty years. This compilation includes stories of real-life people such as a shopping mall's night watchman, a lonely widower, a pregnant teenage runaway, a political prisoner in China, a grieving mother, and a privileged American, who have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas because of loss, pain, greed or circumstances. Through unexpected and uplifting ways, each is reminded of the first Christmas story and the vision of hope and peace it offers the world. They realize that even in the darkness, the light and song of Christmas can be seen and heard. This heart-warming gift book, filled with stories of real people finding hope, courage, and faith amidst life's circumstances, radiates the spirit of the season and reminds each of us what Christmas truly means. Originally written to be read during her church's Christmas Eve service, this collection of holiday stories is perfect for individuals, families, and churches to read and share during the season. [The song of Christmas] is not louder. It is swallowed up quickly in the cry of anger or the clack of greed. No, the song is not louder, but it persists. It comes, as it had come to me beside my [dying] father's bed, a melody of the most stubborn sweetness, for which we are never prepared. And we turn away from it again and again and again. 'But oh, my child,' I said to the empty night, `even though the song is not louder, it is stronger. And someday it will find you--out there alone in the darkness.'"- From the story A Stubborn Sweetness

About The Author: Katherine Paterson has twice won both the Newbery Medal and the National Book Award. She received the 1998 Hans Christian Andersen Medal as well as the 2006 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for the body of her work. An active promoter of reading and literacy, she lives with her husband, John, in Barre, Vermont. They have four children and seven grandchildren. Visit Katherine Paterson on her web site at

My Thoughts About The Book: This collection of short Christmas season stories is a book that could be read year round even though it is about Christmas. I am usually not a huge fan of collections because in them you find you really like some and others not so much. This collection was no exception.  There were several stories I could not wait to finish and others I did not want to end.  "On The Night of His Birth;  Mary's Story" and "Watchman, Tell Us of the Night" were two I really enjoyed.  If you love reading Christmas themed stories then you will enjoy this one.  There is a little something for everyone, just pick a story and enjoy it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a digital copy of these books from Westsminister and John Knight Press and Net Galley Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

God's "Weigh"

About The Book:  As a believer, living at your ideal body weight is your birthright. This is God’s will for you. You are called to glorify God in your body. The Bible is the greatest health and weight loss book ever written. God has a call to every believer to walk holy in the area of diet (dietary holiness). What you eat matters to God. That is what God’s "Weigh" to Your Ideal Body Weight is all about.

About The Author:  Michael Scott Lowery is first and foremost a Believer in Jesus Christ. Secondly, his spiritual gifting is prophecy. This simply means that he is called to discern areas in which the Church has deviated from God’s Word and then work to communicate corrective Biblical truth. That is what God’s Weigh Ministry and the book God’s Weigh to Your Ideal Body Weight is all about.  Michael Lowery has pursued the study of health and weight loss, and what the Bible has to say about it, for over thirty years. Through the founding of God’s Weigh Ministry, and God’s Weigh to Your Ideal Body Weight, he is working to lead the Church to the body weight, health, and lifespan that God has always intended for His People.  Lowery lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and five children. He enjoys watching his kids play a variety of sports, joining in as often as possible. He also enjoys studying the Bible to discover practical solutions to the problems and struggles facing God’s people in this modern world.

My Thoughts About the Book:  As someone who has struggled with weight most of my life I was excited when I saw this book up for review.  As a Christian I feel everything I do should glorify God but never could get a handle on controlling the weight issue...until I read this book.  I discovered in reading this book that what I eat did matter to God.  When I was struggling and looked to food I found that I had been looking in all the wrong places all the time. God's "Weigh" showed me something I really should have known all along, the Bible had the plan I needed and it was right there staring me in the face.  This book instilled in me the desire to eat and live a life that glorifies God.  I know that there are others out there just like me and if you are struggling with your weight then this might be just the  book  you need to read.

Statement of Disclosure: I received this book to review from Thomas Nelson Publishing Group's Book Sneeze Blogging Program and Zondervan for an honest review.