Sunday, April 21, 2013

Project 365 - Week 16

It is Sunday and time for Project 365, hosted by Mama Fran.  Want to see some amazing pictures?  Hop over to her blog and check out everyone's offerings.  I know you won't be disappointed.  Ready or not here are my offerings and the stories that go with them.

Sunday, April 14th - Daddy's Birthday
Azaleas are finally blooming around here and they are gorgeous.  There are so many colors.  Today is my Dad's birthday.  It is a bitter sweet kind of day.  Miss you Daddy.  Frank took me to dinner at Mikata's in Opelika.  I love this place.  Since it was my birthday they sang the birthday song to me in Japanese and gave me a pineapple boat for dessert.  Yummmmo!

Monday, April 15th - My Birthday

Flowers from Jo and Jim.  Olive Garden from Marian and an Amazon gift card from Carol and Jeff (which I spent almost immediately).   Amanda called and wanted to take me to dinner.  We went to Milano's in the Valley.  It is a wonderful Italian restaurant.  They sang "Happy Birthday" and cheese cake with a candle was shared by the table.  We were too full to eat much more than a couple of bites.
Tuesday, April 16th
 The hydrangea in my bouquet is so pretty I thought I would feature it as my picture for the day.

Wednesday, April 17th
A beautiful butterfly I came up on headed to the Fellowship Hall at church.  It was injured so I just grabbed the shot and left it alone.  When I went back an hour later it was gone.
Thursday, April 18th

Friends frame from "sister" Debbie.  I am planning a picture of MaeLynn, Debbie and I to go in it.
Friday, April 19th
The Gerber Daisies are still gorgeous in my bouquet.  I left it at school so I could enjoy it all day.  Thank you again for the beautiful bouquet of some of my most favorite flowers.
Saturday, April 20th-Surprise!

 Today was Church Clean-Up day in preparation for Homecoming next Sunday.  After working we came home and chilled until time to go to the Red Barn auction tonight.  Deborah and Danny are going to try to meet us there for the auction and Johnna and Amanda are coming.  I am excited.  Sherry told me at the clean-up that she wanted us to stop by before the auction and see what she had bought this week.  The auction was to start at 5:00 EST and we needed to be at Sherry's at 4 CST so Frank let Amy and Wayne know we would be late to the auction.  On the way to Sherry's I had a wee pity party.  I had not SEEN any of my kids and Kat was supposed to meet us in Auburn today.....and I never heard from her.    Deborah and Danny texted and said they wouldn't be at the I was really enjoying my pity party.  We got to Sherry's and all the Porch People cars were there...and the pity party kicked in again....they were having a meal and we had not been invited.....As we stopped I saw what looked like gifts.....and I asked Frank, "am I going to cry?"  "Are we not going to the auction?"   We walked up to the porch and the boys were playing basketball under the carport.  I did not even realize that one of those "boys" was my SIL Brian.  It is not easy to get a surprise over on me.....but they did....and I cried.  Gifts, cake, Porch people, lots of love...what more could a person ask for for their birthday!  I love these guys.  Kat and Brian stayed til 7ish and by the time everyone had gone....I was in warm fuzzy world and we did not make it to the auction.  I am truly a blessed woman to have such wonderful friends!  Thank you Sherry for hosting this party, thank you to all the Porch People, thank you Kat and Brian for blowing me off about meeting in Auburn and being in Rock Mills....thank you most of all God for my life!

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