Sunday, April 7, 2013

Project 365 - Week 14

I have been taking part in the A-Z April Challenge and it has been an interesting week.  My topic is history and I have been learning a great deal about the Civil War.  My picture taking has somewhat suffered.  Want to see some really good pictures?  Hope over to Mama Fran's blog and check them out.
Sunday, March 31st Easter

Glenda, a dear friend of the family

Marcie(my sister from another mother) and I

Marci and her lovely daughter, Lyndi

Lyndi and I

Tracey's new car - my dream car-in the rain
It was cooler than it was supposed to be and rainy, of course.  I had to get my picture made with Tracey's new car so I grabbed an umbrella and fought the wind, rain, and cold.  I wish I had rethought the dress....and definitely the sandals!  But come on!  It was Easter....and Spring!
Monday, April 1st

Flowers ready to be bought and planted at M.L. Awbry's.  He has some gorgeous stuff this year.
Tuesday, April 2nd
A lone and odd little flower just off Hwy 22 around Daviston.  I was not sure what it was but stopped to grab the shot while the sun was actually out.  I wore capri's to school today with sandals.  Big Mistake!
Wednesday, April 3rd
I am running late.
Thursday, April 4th
A cow along Hwy 22.  Not a big deal but today he was looking at me.
Friday, April 5th
Please say a a prayer for this young lady and her family.  Tatum is a senior at our school.  The team was playing in a tournament in Oxford this weekend.  Her parents were returning home on Friday night and they were struck by a speeding car who ran a stop sign.  Both of her parents were killed.  Alex City is saddened tonight.  Why do people drink and drive?
Saturday, April 6th

Yesterday was the Rock Mills Volunteer Fire Departments annual fish fry.  You got two fillets, french fries, hushpuppies, slaw, and the fixings.  We fixed and sold over 1500 plates.  By 6:00 last night I did not want to smell grease, or see anything that was related to fish.  Since this was my first dance I filled in when someone needed a break on the line, socialized a bit, and ran errands when we needed something from the Pig (Piggly Wiggly) or Walmart.  It was fun....but it was definitely work.

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