Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is Oklahoma Breaking?

I was in a deep sleep.

And then I wasn’t.

The house was shaking.

I was confused. I hadn’t had anything to drink the night before. Or had I? No. No, I hadn’t. So what in the world--?? I checked the clock. It was about 130 AM.

Was it a crazy storm?


I didn’t hear rain.

Was I dreaming?


Was it a…GHOST?

No, ghosts don’t shake houses, do they. DO THEY?

Then I realized….oh. Earthquake.

I went to check on the kids to make sure they weren’t terrified. Natalie was still sleeping. Tommy was…well, wide awake. He was like, “That was AWESOME!” and then proceeded to chatter about earthquakes for ten minutes. I had to cut him off and say that I needed to go back to bed.

So I get back into bed—and momentarily freaked myself out by thinking the fan was a ghost—I really need to stop watching ghost shows when Tom isn’t here. But I’m fascinated by all the ghost shows. I can’t help it.

I finally got back to sleep and….

….I woke up by shaking. AGAIN.

“Freaking STATE!” I yelled and glanced at the clock. This time it was a little after 5.

Anyway, news stations reported that Oklahoma actually got 32 earthquakes. 32! Most of which were tiny so no one felt them. The ones I did feel were 4.somethings. But really, I hope Oklahoma is okay.

It took me awhile to fall back asleep again because I was worried we’d have another earthquake and then I was paranoid that then we’d have a sink hole situation what with all the trembling in the earth.

My imagination goes wild at night, guys.

Natalie didn’t feel ANY earthquakes.

Tommy felt the same ones I did. He still thinks they’re awesome.

Max the Cat was freaked out and kept shooting me dirty looks as though I were responsible for shaking the house.

I’m hoping tonight I’m not bothered by one again.

Although, yay, lucky us, we’re due for severe weather today. Possible tornados even.

Thanks, Oklahoma.

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