Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Driving and Cell Phones

I’ve complained about people who use their cell phones while driving before.

Unless it’s a Bluetooth or on speaker, you shouldn’t be messing with it while operating a vehicle.

But I see many people with their phone clamped against their cheek while driving with ONE HAND.

Sorry. That’s not cool. I don’t care how well you think you control the wheel with one hand. You are putting your life and MY life in danger.

Anyway, the point of this post is to say that the military base I’m at is cracking down on those who insist on yakking away while driving.

If you’re caught, you can’t drive on base for 7 days.

If you’re caught again, I believe you can’t drive for a YEAR!

There’s a big sign when you drive to the gate stating this. I cheered. Finally. I see many people on base gabbing into their phones, driving with one hand. Texting. It’s ridiculous. Pull over if you can’t wait. It’s not that difficult.

I seriously hope people are caught.

I’m sure if they are pulled over that they’ll be like, “I wasn’t on my phone!”

When Tom pulled people over for messing with their phones, he got that excuse a lot.

*Insert eye roll now*

So yes. Thank goodness for stricter rules!

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