Not even a little bit.
I don’t find pleasure in gluing, sticking, cutting, sewing, etc…
It all sounds like an unnecessary mess. It’s why I’m glad my kids are in school. They get their craft time there.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I admire the crap out of what OTHER people create. For a second I think, “I could TRY that…” Then I flash to glue sticks and paper and pom pom balls sticking to my fingers and immediately squash the idea.
So why am I talking about being non-crafty?
Well, I was looking up things I could put in deployment care packages and a bunch of fancy ones popped up.
Not the contents.
The BOX.
Like this:

And again, it’s awesome. If I had the patience, I would so do it.
But I don’t.
Honestly, I don’t think my husband would notice. Or he’d notice and wonder if I had one Diet Coke too many. Because he knows I’m a NC. (Non-crafter.) (He once watched me do a turkey project with Tommy. They had to do it for school. Glitter got everywhere. I think I cried when I couldn’t get a fake feather off my fingers.)
Please tell me there are other people who send plain boxes. Or am I the only wife not sending decorated boxes? I don’t want people to think Tom isn’t loved. He’s loved! I swear! The first box I sent him was plain, but it had awesome things inside. Like a ball in a cup. (Sounds dirty. But it’s not. It’s a Family Guy thing.)
“Gosh, I just need ideas on what to put IN the box,” I muttered, scrolling throughout various decorated boxes. (Some were elaborate. As in tiny pieces, lovingly glued on, mini letters cut out to spell romantic words…while I love my husband to bits, I’d probably be silly and spell out FART. Just because.)
“Oooo. Pretty,” Natalie said, running up beside me. She pointed at a box decorated in pink and red. (Wouldn’t that embarrass a soldier?)
“Yes. I guess,” I answered. “I’m just trying to find ideas for Daddy’s birthday package.”
Natalie clapped her hands. “I want to decorate a box for Daddy!”
“Did you forget who your mother was?” I asked.
“For Daddy,” Natalie said, tugging on my arm. “Decorate a box for Daddy”
How could I tell her no? I might not like crafting but SHE does. (I do let her craft at home. Just on her own. I’ll lay everything out and tell her to go nuts. Which generally means glitter will be all over the place and paper will get glued to the walls. But whatever. At least I’m not expected to put something together.)
Plus, she wanted to do this for her Daddy.
This NCer will put together a birthday box.
Or try to.
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